Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Does Pearse really believe that NAMA could sit on assets and wait for the market to improve?

Has the market not improved? Have nama turned down higher bids for certain properties?
The answer is yes on both counts

Brenda Power is an awful geebag.


What are they arguing about? Anyone have a link to the article?

Would ya though?


This Nicholas Pell is a weird bastard, what a horrible fucking creep.

I would. I’ve long been on record on this forum in my opinion that Brenda Power has a sexy voice. I’ve been of this view since around 2005 when she used to be a relief presenter on The Last Word on Today FM.

But she’s an awful vacuous fool.

No. she’s from Kilkenny. You have to have some standards.

Is he the transgender Nikki Pelly ?

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She’s from Vegas.

I know.

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Paddy blew shit from 2000 to 2007 when he was buying half of Spain , Bulgaria etc. He also crowed about buying in the UK. The yids are buying some kips in west Dublin and in souped up Ringsend and he cries foul .

Tis gas .


While in not denying that people got greedy during the Celtic Tiger, I think the issue now is the preferential tax treatment for the vulture funds as opposed to foreigners buying properties.

Dorothy from Men Behaving Badly gone fierce old looking on BBC2

Vogue on our screens again soon in The Jump


What is that pink thing in bottom corner ??

A rabbit

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Vogue Williams is an absolute star. I called this ages ago.