Tony Stokes is the best footballer from Ireland

this is disgraceful

ah here, this is shocking

Hampden goals in shit

A bit of jubilation and Sky are losing the plot.

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one of the worst days in Scottish football history

someone is going to be killed here

Horses on now. Charge of the light brigade to follow

Absolutely. Small bit of high jinx. And the screaming Mary brigade go mad


fucking hooligans, baton charge the cunts

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Wonderful scenes here. Hon Hibs

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on a momentous day we should be talking about the game, instead this day will be remembered for all the wrong reasons

Me man McCann must be looking at a different camera.

Insurance claims to follow.

“Ach I didn’t mean to get up on them goals, never mind fall off them!”

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Throwback to the great days of the 70s and 80s here. Thinking of that great day the Scots dug up Wembley. Never thought I’d see it’s like again.


That was utterly magnificent.

That’s what real football is supposed to be.


Real football, real people.

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A bit of plastic at croke Park would never stop these true supporters.

Fuckin screaming Mary’s on Twitter describing it as disgusting and labeling the invaders as “idiots”


Reporter to Stubbs “Do pitch scenes mar your victory?”
Stubbs “Absolutely not. 114 years of pain. We’ll take any punishment we get”


Huns skulked off sulking.