Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Kinda reminds me of The Wire too.

By season 4, you had children killing and being killed

Martin Cahills most outlandish act was a car bomb and nailing a lad to a pool table. That’s your average Wednesday afternoon for this generations coked up nutjobs

It’s of an already hacked torso, load of stab wounds, with caption “fuck with us, you’ll lose your head”

It’s unconfirmed if it is actually images of the kid confirmed dead.

Correction: now a vid of fella being hit with machete while still alive. Fucking animals

He was locked up on remand for ages only got out December

We should be following @anon32894817’s example and cut out the middlemen

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Team A Drogheda
Maguires (one in wheelchair)
Cornelius Price
Keane Mulready (dead - Maguire godson)
Team A Coolock
Clayo Lynch
Flashy baby crew
Mr Big / Keith Finn (dead)

Team B Drogheda
Paul Crosby
Boylan brothers
Team B Coolock
Robbie Lawlor (gun for hire)
Richie Carberry (his brother in law - dead)

Lawler shot Clayo Lynch’s dad 10 years ago on hire. Keith Finn was hitman for Big. He killed Alan Ryan. Robbie lawler shot Finn 20 m from where body parts were found. Crosby and Lawlor shot Owen Maguire in Drogheda turf war, left him in wheelchair and rang him after. Richie carberry was shot dead by Big/Maguire’s. Lawler went to prison in cork where Price was. Price sliced him up in prison yard. Lawler swore revenge. Price got out and resumed business with maguires. lawler out and got jumped on by clayo Lynch (revenge for his da) and baby flashy crew in that vid. Keane mulready supposedly videoing it. Lawler and Crosby kill mulready, chop him up and lawler allegedly on way to clayos house in coolock to leave bag at his door but got interrupted by cops who were investigating a robbery and he dumped bag on street and sped off. Possibly made call/video to maguires earlier in day who tried to shoot Crosby as he was on way to sign on at Garda station.

And breathe


Are we in same whatsapp group? :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:


No…but I saw that summary Tuesday night

I remember hearing an audio piece of the boys ringing your man in the wheelchair?? Could have been from here

Times like this I’m glad I’ve got no friends

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Don’t think it was the minced lad recording, he was just a pal of lunch. But rumoured to have been involved in killing Brannigan and Carberry in some way

There’s a few seasons worth of Love/Hate in this

WhatsApp says 2 lads shooting at each other in Darndale?

Hahaha. Fucking mental

There’s a video from a few months back showing same.

Dont fuck with cats


remember what happened to wayne on love/hate

Fella making the phone call is Paul Crosby who is the guy who was the target of the shooting Monday evening. Him and Lawlor meant to have Killed Keane and also shot Owen Maguire who hes ringing here

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