Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

“hot wheels Maguire” pretty good slag in fairness!

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In all fairness the guards would want to up their game a bit here.


What about Brannigan? He was before Carberry, no?

agreed, you couldn’t imagine they are up against criminal masterminds

They are too busy hunting down kids on electric scooters.


More Gardai and more freedom to dish out random hammerings where they see fit

one would hope that when they go to arrest the psychos who committed this act that the suspect is armed and resists arrest…

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Was no gang land killings when Lugs Brannigan was handing out a few clips around the ear


Up to now it was in their interest to keep it going. They rely on overtime to top up their meagre pay.

I lined them up there on a chessboard there a while ago with a grandson. We had an hours divilment moving pieces around while roaring Delete, Delete as figures dropped.

I’m/We’re giving thought to creating a new board game for next year’s Christmas market.
The concept is as above but we’re caught for a catchy title. We’d cut a lad in for 10% if the title met our criterion. Thoughts…

Whole scum lot need interned albeit under a different name for obvious reasons,law/ judiciary needs changed,and CAB and local city/ co councils need to up their game and start fucking scum and their families+ yes families ,who reap their unlawful rewards ) out to fuck

Yeah this is starting to spiral a bit now.

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You’ve a part to play too. Deny them landing when they return from lanzarohhy or wherever they go with their I’ll gotten

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Is Weston airport still in operation?

I’ll lose the shit out of their bags


Little Mexico Ireland is becoming

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El Choppo’d


That was blunt :joy: