Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Paul Crosby the suspect.

Yeah arrested last night for not keeping his bail conditions in relation to other charges

what these lads looking around a field for?
they claim to know who murdered the young fella , why cant he be arrested and if so charged with that?
why are they arresting him on a lesser offence?

Mr. Big no doubt has receipt for a shirt in Brown Thomas and is on CCTV there

Body parts?

maybe so but it wont impact the bottom line
young fella is dead and the killer they know of is at large ,
even tho they say he is a danger to the public and needs to be dealt with armed gardai they are still not making the public aware of who that is - i doubt he is hiding in the long grass

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Just as well there has been no history of corruption with our esteemed constabulary or questions would need to be asked.


He must be shitting it facing that charge.

What charge?

The ones that aren’t murder charges.

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Can you imagine what the next step will be Mike?

yeah - i covered that
have they just pulled him up on that now he as the lead suspect in a murder case?
why cant he be just arrested on suspicion of murder? - that lesser offence could then be thrown in for good measure

If it was portrayed at trial that the investigation had focussed on Mr X to the exclusion of all other possibilities it would weaken the state’s case, especially if the defence can throw any doubt on some of the other evidence gathered, or a witness disappears, or there’s a problem with a warrant or other technical grounds

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So they can make sure he doesn’t leg it while they continue to build the evidence of the bigger case against him. Also likely measure to reduce threat of violence with him caged amid all the heightened tensions.


An irate man was seen leaving the scene of the crime covered in blood and with a machete in his hand. We would like this man to come forward so as we can eliminate him from our enquiries.


They are arresting him for breaking his bail conditions so they can get him back behind bars before he flees,Gets killed or kills someone else. They are not arresting him yet as they are trying to build the case against him its not enough to know someone does something you have to prove it with evidence its pretty standard practice.

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So you haven’t a notion of what happens next

He blatantly and regularly broke his conditions where he was required to sign on at a designated station everyday, be at a designated address after a certain time every night, he didn’t bother his hole doing this cos he knew full well there’d be nobody checking up on him and as a result was free to organise and carry out whatever activities he felt like. The cops will claim lack of resources for this and the usual suspects will say the cops are great and are doing a great job but need more resources as usual. Same with the HSE, everyone calling for more resources backed up by the cheerleading of the public saying everyone is brilliant but yet the whole thing is a shitshow. Be more in line if people did the job they are paid to do and less whinging about more resources


The Police Commissioner and the Minister for Justice are more interested in celebrating this he work of a police force that was disbanded a hundred years ago than in catching gowls like these characters. They’d sooner lock up Dan Breen and Tom Barry.