Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I don’t think the general public are as quick to praise the Gardaí as individuals as they are to praise the HSE “frontline staff.”

I think they are. Anytime such as last week when law and order appears to have broken down in Drogheda I heard locals being interviewed and the usual caveat thrown out there " now I don’t blame the guards, they’re hands are tied" then they go on the slate the guards or the system they work in

Agree. I’m after having a lot of experience with HSE frontline staff in the last few years. Some of them are indeed top class heroes doing their very best in a very difficult situation. But some others are useless hole scratchers who use the difficult situation as an excuse to be lazy and rude.

Is there not legislation that’s used in dealing with dissidents whereby lads like this fella can be lifted if he’s suspected of being part of a gang on the say so of a chief super ?

The Gardai will miss another open goal and attempt to distract by bringing up a 30 year old cold case which they also failed to solve?

Deflection, nice one

ian bailey is unfortunately unavailable to be the fall guy this time

Any other irrelevance you want to bring up cos you didn’t have a clue is fine by me

Lolz so you really are a Garda.

You know it all lad

you’d miss IOTM all the same…

Yep that about sums up our dear little country

Good career

A fine jacket tbf.

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take the points and the goals will come i suppose…
in the interim there is apparantly still a chainsaw wielding child killer in drogheda on the loose

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Doesn’t look like there’s more than €2k there. @KinvarasPassion would have it in his sock drawer

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There is a local fella who likes his few pints and when he’s paying the barman he has a lovely little tradition of pulling a thick roll of 50s and 100’s out of the pocket before discreetly pulling out the centre one and presenting it for payment.

The local travelers wouldn’t pay for a pint, if the process didn’t involve them displaying their entire net worth.