Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Ring Cab on the clown


The cash is probably for buying yearlings

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Oh your hard… clown


If that watch is a genuine Rolex then I can scratch my ear with my mikey.

Whoever owned it didn’t even have the correct date on it :sweat_smile:

Rolex is around 5k there , jacket another 1k , roughly 3k in cash .

A grand for that jacket? :grinning:

Any Craic in citywest lads?

Im in the gym there tomorrow night lad, I’ll let ya know

They are expensive jackets canada goose

Betcha it isn’t even bullet-proof :roll_eyes:

The Canada Goose jacket has sort of turned into the cunt uniform in this country. I’d guarantee everyone who has one still loves with their mother.

What the fucking fuck?


Maybe they are all mother fuckers?

Tipp crowd

Good money to be made in selling replica jackets.

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What are we looking at?