Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Whoever he is, he’s a gonner anyway

Paddy Lyons is the name going around.

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It’s probably the effects of the lockdown but I was trying to make out what runners he was wearing there.

I’ve ruled out Asics and Nike Air Max.


That’s like the 80’s joke about lads going to funerals and asking where’d he work? I might give them a shout. I’d enquire about the size before the brand if you’re interested.
Lord have mercy on him, he was some Mother’s rearing.


The poor man will probably still go down as a Covid death.



Wasn’t really a joke though ref construction, one gone one vacancy at least that’s what it was like here anyway f all work locally

Hope he’s not an innocent caught up in it, of a druggie then fuck him

Hutch is trying to mount a Limerick v Tipp 96 style comeback here.


Going by the WhatsApps I’m gonna say negative on this one

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Yeah just got a whats app dub guy being threatened over the phone by a brit, mentioned a few names Lyons was one, Adams etc

You’re way off


Danny S
Owes 95k to Danny K
Merked them with a suitcase full of bricks
Bragged the K’s would do Nuffin in those social media posts
Got executed in Ballymun

His dad has just been shot dead in the uk too :unamused:


That you Nicola Tallant?

Mixing stories

Just got a video of that. Shocking stuff!

WhatsApp bullshit

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My telegram sources let me down. I apologise unreservedly to the forum.

? Sorry. Are you saying it’s a fake? Actually would feel better if it was. Watched it not realising what was about to happen and didn’t want to see it again but can’t be unseen.

What groups/people are you lot in contact with at all getting these videos sent to you?

Its a real video but was being sent around as linked to the Ballymun shooting