Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

This happened in January 2020, shot 5 times inc in the head, some effort to be kept alive that long

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the bang bang boys employed better hope this gets scratched off to Covid! otherwise, theyre looking at murder charges instead of manslaughter?

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Yer man fogarty is a right muppet, would you believe you couldn’t be charged with a murder if the victim died one year and one day after the date of the assault, the law in Ireland was only changed in 2008 when some lad was convicted of attempted murder and the dpp then tried to recharge him for murder when the victim died over a year later from his injuries. Read that on boards earlier

Jaysus. I wouldnt have thought the Kinehans were dirty enough for the world of football.

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That will drive the usual suspects on twitter insane. Miguel will lose his shit.

Announce Parrot


A few lads just adding a bit of spice to proceedings, nothing to see here

You can but those fake €100 notes in the EuroGiant shop - 99c for €20k or whatever. Those young lads are only messing about for the tik-tok of it. Gas men.

Some very strange looking runners they have on there

“south central Dublin”. Ffs, he’s playing a tune beyond geography with that

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Are the cops bluffing or will they have Gerry Hutch nabbed soon?

Nabbed a lad today in Fingal anyway.

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He should just head for Dubai!!

I thought that name was familiar especially with the father also being charged