Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead


Jaysus FG will dine out on that

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Dowdall is a victim of a drug war started by the family of a leading FG member.


Holy fucking Jesus!

What a morning for the Irish political system.

A complete shower of shitebags the lot of them.


Call me paranoid but would there be a bit of politics at play with regard to this arrest?

Haul him in and get a few headlines out.

It’s not just an arrest. He’s been charged by the looks of it. Think that’s beyond the pull of ffg these days without actual evidence.

He’s been charged with murder mate. That usually makes the news regardless of who it is


What’s he been charged with exactly? Was he one of the gunmen?

Seems the bug in dowdalls car when he was driving the monk up north has been strengthened with either more evidence to support case or more pressure to seek conviction

This is a bit awkward.

Mary Lou McDonalds won’t be lovin’ this.

He was reportedly one of the getaway drivers, his wife’s card used to book hotel room for assassin’s and also caught discussing the sourcing and return of weapons used

Undo the neck collar one notch and change the sandpaper to a finer grade. Usually does the trick for me.

Jesus. That’s lax.


Is this before the Special Criminal Court SFIRA want abolished ?

Oh dear.

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Doesn’t say what role he is being charged with there. It’s all disconcertingly vague.

The last fella was picked up last Wednesday I believe. An old acquaintance was concerned by some dodgy fuckers sitting in a car outside her gaff so she confronted them. Turns out the were the undercover there to nick him.

They only got warrant for the bug in the car after raidibg his house and finding video of him and his father torturing a guy on a thumb drive. Handicap recorded it all for future viewing…

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