Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I thought that case was before the courts way before the Regency attack?

It’s why he was brought from his cell to SCC, he’s already serving for that. This latest charge will add a bit of variety to his current daily routine

No, while torture was carried out way before, charges only came after regency linked searches. Guy who was tortured was too afraid to go to guards.

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SF really need a better database to vet their candidates.


Is he still a candidate?

This has you awfully vexed :joy::joy:

Sweep Sweep
You were fair quick as well. You had the brush ready to go.


Wha? Ive said next to nothing ??? I couldnt give a fuck.

Sweep sweep what? Are we not allowed reply to a post now?

The comments section are interesting below. From 2014

As lax as leaving a video on your phone of you torturing someone ?

Saying SF bullied him out of the party - That was all in vouge back then wasnt it? Now it turns out SF squeezed him out as he was a bad egg – but guess what, SF are still the bad guys :rofl:

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You went into full deflect mode. Your training has kicked in. The Douglas Brigade will be pleased.

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I said nothing on this thread except to ask is he still a candidate - as usual, the shills went into over drive with any comment passed.

It’s very interesting, it’s almost as if Concannonbots have a prejudiced agenda to carry out regardless of the facts.

You reacted to the focus on his link to SF rather than the alleged torture and murder. You had no comment up to then. No comment on murder and torture but deflect on lik to SF.

Do you really need me to spell out that murder is bad? I never heard of him until this morning - if he’s guilty he deserves to rot… The party should be applauded for forcing him out back when they did.

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Some chain of events … all started with a conman trying to rip him off over the sale of a bike …it’s spiralled now to the encompass sinn fein and the monk …

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One for the lookalike thread?




Pretty sure the Derek Hutch trial was based on him being the shooter dressed as a woman.

Patrick Hutch. And I believe it collapsed. Sure why wouldn’t the state try again with somebody else?

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