Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead



Did they not raid his house after the bug was in his jeep when he was driving the Monk up north?

They then found the video with them water boarding the guy and they had to try find out who the guy was that the did it to.

It begs the question, what new evidence, if any has come up lately that wasn’t known when they raided the house.


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Whos yer man?

I think the order was room in regency booked on missus’s card. That brought them straight to dowdalls door. Raided house. Found video, placed bug. Hoped being rattled would cause him to make more mistakes.

Hopes fulfilled in spades

Mary Lou

So hello Mary Lou, goodbye arms

My goodness, the Irish Independent peddling the mealy mouthed words of an alleged murderer in an effort to blacken Sinn Féin’s good name. Shame on them.


Think the war has started tonight according to my sources in the less leafy part of Fingal

Calling @Tegman

Might be for the best for Blanchardstown

As you said, the league has driven some lads over the edge

Few deaths there wouldn’t do any harm

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Gunman on the run I’d say - the chopper has been all over D15

A Goulding fella that done the shooting.

I said I’d block out the name :joy:

Surely the house prices out that side must be pretty affordable at this stage

Fair play to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy
