Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I’ve the bins out and Meath bet.

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:eyes: :eyes:

You got that in one👍

Fair play to that priest for speaking out about the vulgarity of the funeral.


Scum running funeral homes, I guess there was a gap in the market alright.

I wonder if it could be the funeral home running slick videos.

The address of said funeral home would be a giveaway alright

@tazdedub please post the link to the film of the final funeral when the digital media and creative teams in O’Dwyer & Sons publish it online.


I am eagerly awaiting its release. It will the biggest blockbuster of the summer.


It’ll be available on Plex before the official release. Just a few minor royalty deals with Biggie Smalls’ estate to be ironed out according to my sources.

It’s up on their Facebook page.


Ah lovely. I’ll pop the kettle on and enjoy it shortly.

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on the public highway

Clown show

Apart from one fella who was banging the coffin I was taken by how unbothered most of the people there seemed. There was 3 older women dancing about in the living room with drinks. T-shirts printed. There didn’t seem to be the usual grief you’d see at a funeral of a young fella. It was more like an excuse for a party. Maybe it’s just accepted in that world that you’re number can be up at any time and they are used to young fellas ending up in coffins.


they are keeping the party theme going - its the follow up to a BBQ on the M7

Alot would be there just to have a gander at the funeral more so than paying respects. Saw the 3 women dancing and thought that they were probably doing it because yer man liked to party. The comments on Facebook are gas, ye swear these lads were angels or something.

I’m sure Dick Turpin and Robin Hood were lauded in their communities as well. There is a long history of celebrating notorious thieves, highwaymen and brigands. Ronald Biggs in the not too distant past as well

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Very unusual to do so
Fair play to him