Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Was listening to Nicola Tallants crime world podcast
Brian Rattigan due to be released soon, would imagine that could lead to a few scores been settled

There’s no contradiction at all in lads who think we’re currently in a dictatorship which is simultaneously far too laissez faire, and who want somebody like Duterte to run the country.

Neither is there any contradiction in somebody wanted to invade Saudi Arabia because they are barbaric but at the same time admires Saudi style “justice”.

These are considered INTERNET experts, and they need to be paid due reverence. They are the experts.

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I never saw that bit before…
Apparently he was a family guy, very protective of his brother Paddy. If someone touched Paddy he’d say ‘go up and show me where they are and I’ll blow them off the map’!

Fucking Brilliant

No, my opinion is that non violent offenders should avoid jail time where possible.same as that of the long time governor of mountjoy. I never mentioned wealth or rich people. Unless you can prove otherwise. One gobshite misread that trying to look smart, he should have stayed in his lane of obsessing over a British soccer team.

I’ve never mentioned Bob geldof.

You on the other hand post about fantasising about stabbing people, and shitting in lakes. All while admitting you are unemployable for months on end. You sound like a true winner and fully sane character.


I’ve no recollection but I’d like to think I defended Bob.


you follow a sport invented by british landlords mate

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After him protecting you for years you owe a return of service I guess

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I think you need to go to a lifecoach mate, something amiss

It didn’t do you any favours you are running then same internet hardman (while protected) shtick for a decade plus

You’re not a man until you’ve shat in a lake.

Who did I fantasise about stabbing? I can’t remember.

Apologies @maroonandwhite , there was a case of mistaken identity.

I’ve been involved in the music bidniz and it’s not all the sweetness and nice lads here who listen to their Radiohead and REM think it is.

What I will say is Bob is a man of integrity.

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Quid erit

Bob is a gimp.

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Why would you shit IN a lake , you animal.

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

Those were great comments, @Thomas_Brady and @Cheasty are both well equipped to take care of themselves. I wouldn’t meet @Thomas_Brady in particular for pints without a knife on me.

Seriously, I think its really, really strange that you remember jokey comments from months ago that I don’t even remember myself. Do you keep a spreadsheet of this stuff? Either way you’re devoting too much of your energy to this site. If that’s how much effort you’re putting in to TFK you should be a lot better at it basically.

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To cut up his food for him ?


Chav that wan and her ilk

True oddballs need watching. I had your card marked early, from long droning pointless posts to marked strangeness. A wrong un as they’d say.

And as for memory, you couldn’t understand what I wrote a few days ago, see your braindead comment about rich people. I don’t expect you to remember things that you wrote further back. I predict a Sid style meltdown from you at some stage.

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