Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I’d ate your knife.

Have to admire that honesty

Sid-style self-doxxing incoming…

download (4)

And a fork to mash his carrots.

Delboy released allegedly. This could go two ways. Either he gets reined in by Patrick and Mago as soon as he’s released or he goes straight for the crackpipe. Either way, he’ll do damage. How effective the damage will be will depend on which route of the two he takes.

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He was never a drug addict

I’d like to know for when I’m saying all the character names in my head…

…Is Mago pronounced MAG-O or MAY-GO?

The former.

Delboy will be in turkey before the week is out

…or the North.

when is Gordon Elliot being released lads?


There surely will be a few parties in the north side with Delboy returning home?

He was doing serious advertising of him on Instagram for the last few weeks.



The monk arrested in Spain

He’s surely looking at 25 to life. They’ll have him bang to rights with all the recordings they have.

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I always thought Gerry Hutch was an old school, ordinary, decent criminal?