Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Superb avatar @Barname.

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Gerry’s alright. Didn’t deserve this.

Good luck Gerry.


Was this with the IRA/Sinn Fein Co. Councillor?

It was actually I think

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That’s fucking terrible. That poor kid and the fear that must have ran through his final moment’s thoughts

This case is just plain odd. The prevailing thought at the moment is that it was a case of mistaken identity or something similar. I’d kinda know his father through my brother in law and they’re a clean family who wouldn’t be caught up in the types of things you’d normally associate with this type of death.

Making a huge leap, could it be a case this scumbag who had a brief encounter with the kid was off his nut and paranoid the kid was someone else/there.for.other reasons

This “interaction was not of a criminal nature but it did put the victim and suspect in direct contact”, according to security sources.

Could have been the young lad was selling something on Done Deal or similar? The criminal came to buy it, there was a dispute and he came back and shot him.

you wouldnt know - remember 19, you could bump off a fella in the jax in a boozer and start giving it the big man,not knowing who you are messing with - few hours later bang and you’re dead


Jesus. Be even more tragic for.something as trivial as that to cause his murder.

Might be right with that one:

This “interaction was not of a criminal nature but it did put the victim and suspect in direct contact”, according to security sources.

Would suggest bouncers as never hear guards referred to security sources do we?

Sounds like a great lad, still a child really at that age, looking forward to travel and work. Absolute scum running rampant in this country as usual and we as a society enable it. In and out of jail, soft sentences, excuses and do-gooder wankers. Sickening story.


A pal of mine gave a bit of a beating to two lads one night after an altercation. They were “connected” and showed up at his work to kill him. He had to go into hiding until a friendly uncle with Republican connections was able to defuse it.


Don’t forget mate all crime is societies fault :laughing:

He was hiding from a hiding.

Defuse/ republican :clap:


didn’t you know Wayne O’Donaghue too & Grace Livingstone too?

or Wayne as he used to refer to him on here