Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

A lad I hurled with had a family pub on Parnell St. There was an altercation in the pub one night and he sorted it out with a pool cue. One of the people he hit was a nephew of Gerry Hutch. Gerry called around to the pub the next day and told the lad he had 24 hours to leave Dublin. That was in 1988 and the chap hasn’t set foot in Ireland since.

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he should be alright now I’d imagine


Many years ago I used to drink in a pub in Parnell St (I’m pretty sure it was) Owned by hurling man MB ? Would that be a connection?

This was owned by BM. Another club mate had a pub further down Parnell St not mb either.

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Wouldn’t know others. MB was maybe in 50’s (at a guess) when I knew him. I was 20 something. He was a decent spud. Knew a few hurling men, it seemed, pretty well, from Antrim that I’d have known just from watching.

The suspect in this was arrested last night after producing a gun in an incident in a hotel in Carlow.

Paranoid off his nut it would seem if carrying a gun around after being a suspect in a shooting

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Seems this the lad with the gun in Carlow hotel if want to follow the dots

Ballistics supposedly.reporting gun in hotel the same handgun used to shoot the young fella


Earl McKevitt, wonder is he any relation to Michael?

He must have been having a serious breakdown if he was still going around carrying the same gun.

Who’s the slaphead?

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He should have shot GH, there and then. Better bet. Could have said he pulled the gun from him.

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He might have been in Carlow yesterday

This lad has been charged. Its basically a case of Conor being in the wrong place at the wrong time and yer man having serious paranoia problems. How as a parent could you reconcile that in your head? I can’t get my head around it at all.


Devastating. Imagine putting 19yrs into rearing a son to be a good person and member of society and some paranoid druggie cunt shoots him dead at random. What a nightmare for his poor family god help them.


Kind of shit you’d have only heard of in America not too long ago.


Would there be anything to be said for a Pierrepoint measure for some of these cunts?

or maybe a Mass

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I have my eye on the terminaljustice domain name

A portal that would pair terminally ill with the morally ill.

A good deed for humanity prior to departure