Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Poor Kid.The bed of Heaven for him.

My own opinion is that you just can’t trust people with mental health problems that came about from long term drug abuse.Thats a hard thing to say but it’s 100% right.
And the auld Emerald Isle is going to be in bother when the chickens come home to roost for the E’s are good crowd from the 90’s.

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You do realize that is 25 years ago ?


That’s some idea. I’d sign up for that.

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Yep and that would put the aforementioned around early 40 to early 50 bracket.
Mark my words on this.Ive been seeing it over the last few years with various people I would have known from that scene and others I would have heard about since.

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And what have you seen or heard since then? Any lad in trouble has been fellas keeping it going in some form or another. The vast majority grow up, start a family and end up having a few odd nights out. The thoughts of doing an E would turn the stomach inside out.


Yes cos this happens every weekend!!!??? All those ravers from the 90’s going around shooting people.

This is like some freaked mother saying they can’t let their kids out because all those white vans going around snatching the kids when everyone still knows the name Philip Kearns… ffs


i would love a yoke now guys


Can’t agree …would love a few bangers but would be afraid the ticker would give in…


Ah ye would though @Spidey . A little oul yoke. If you knew it was safe… just for the craic like…


You can buy those testing kits to check, id defo be doing that

lets go for it @anon98850436

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Do we need to worry about the carbon footprint of yokes? Any way we can shop local?

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Ok but maybe not the day after scraping the insides of yourself out

Dance with the devil and be prepared to get pricked by his horns.
Repent and look for forgiveness,Ebenezer and be serious about it.

The vast majority will end up in the cuckoo’s nest,brother.Make sure you’re not one of them.Plenty of green tae and NO white bread.




Nice to have you posting here Bez

The missus came home with mdma a few months back. Saturday night, kids gone overnight, have a bit of craic. Why not? Shur, she talks yang day in, day out, may as well balance the scales and melt her ears with rubbish talk.

Will be a while again. I’d sooner iron my balls than go through that skag again any time soon


Was it enjoyable at the time?

Very. But not in a way that you’d feel like doing it again any time soon. Novelty event

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Sounds a bit like sex after marriage?

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