Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

You’re a very understanding husband to allow Michael Dara McAuley come in and plough your missus all the same.



What could possibly go wrong?

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Somebody should open a book on how long it will be before he kills again.

another nominee for Terminal Justice


So they knocked 4 years off his reduced 14 year sentence despite the fact that he spent his 10 years in prison violently assaulting people. That seems like a good idea.


If there is to be a victim you’d hope they’d be connected to whoever reduced the conviction to manslaughter.

Maybe the actual person who reduced the conviction and sentence?

That would be ideal.

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Releasing this fella is all kinds of wrong. He could go buck-ape at somebody just looking at him.
He’s wrong in the head God bless him but he’s a bomb who’s fuse is already lit.


You’re right … except for the God bit! Surely there’s some way of detaining somebody like this under public safety\mental health conditions? Would be better for both him and the public at large.

A 19 year old kid was shot dead by a nutcase like this lad only a couple of weeks back. I really hope something similar doesn’t happen with this fella

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Reading about him there in the article above… Not one bit of reform. What exactly is the point of prison?

It’s for helping them to improve their skills and strike up lasting partnerships.


It will cost the bones of a million a year to house/monitor/care for that psycho for the rest of his living days if he is to be “supported” to live in the community. He’s not the only one either.

I’m all for rehabilitating lads, young lads in bad circumstances make mistakes, give them a chance. The three strikes rule has proven a massive failure in the US.
However, can we have like a 50 strikes rule? I’d say 90% of the countries crimes are being committed by 0.01% of the population


I heard that this morning and wondered why they were allowed free rein to run amok. If they were that prolific it shouldn’t have been too hard to catch them in the act.

My analysis is that the Gardai for years ‘like to know who is doing stuff’ rather than necessarily curtailing their activities .
Harris making changes to this culture.