Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

That makes sense.

Looks like the lads were fair busy before they BBQ’d themselves.


Well then how have they hundreds of convictions? Do you understand the judicial process?

Harris knew who was doing plenty stuff in The North and wasn’t interested in doing anything about it. Unless those doing it were republicans of course.


It’s sometimes difficult to believe people’s spelling can be that bad given spell checkers on phones. Is it kind of a badge of honour that people make their spelling deliberately atrocious to prove they never went to school or something ? The outer two boys that war in the car. She actually spells legand two different ways in the same sentence. It’s like that pudzy fella that used to be in Ireland’s own or one of those magazines.


That’s some serious high level trolling by whoever is doing that. I’d say they’re taking their lives in their hands.

Can’t you see the poor girl is broken hearted over the loss of her husband you heartless bastard.
The children are now bereft of a figurehead to look up to and they may end up turning to crime to fill the void left by this allegedly alright sort. Christ man, worrying over a few commas or spellings from this widow is poor form. I’m half thinking of texting her myself to share my condolences. Have a heart here….


That’s fierce hard to read

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The items seized included eight Rolex watches, two Chanel bags, a Canada Goose jacket, three 201 Ford Focus cars, a 202 Ford Transit, a 202 Citroen Berlingo, a 191 Volkswagen Golf and €51,000 in cash.

I wonder was it a nice jacket.

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Be up for auction soon

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A lovely wad. You can see the owners everyday carrying around wad as well, sitting on the top

Someone surely took a fifty for milk and cigarettes.

@Juhniallio’s Berlingo there

Someone surely took a fifty for milk and cigarettes.

A fifty !!! More likely a large wedge to facilitate a fortnight in the sun. A fifty.:joy:

I had the green ones during the week, I’d to put them back. They were cuttin the feet off me :rofl:


These lads need to watch goodfellas, when DeNiro was harping on about not being flash with the cash

The Family out in Ballyer don’t get mugged like this

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