Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

“Do you know the big wooden crosses they put on a grave before a headstone, they are about four feet high- I saw a fella pull up one of them out of the ground and belt the head of two other fellas. It was savagery.

“He pulled it out and ran like hell and was swiping at fellas and two of them fell.

I actually lol’d at that. Twas like being there


goodfellas GIF

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“I want my fuckin money Jimmy”


How much would that jacket cost?

You’re asking the right man anyway.

I have a lovely Canada Goose parka

Bought it two winters ago when the knockoffs hadn’t hit the streets, still a class jacket though

They’ve gone the way of Burberry now.

Yeah but he owned his before that, so he did


You should get the year stamped on the back

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All the Canada Goose stuff is knock offs, Moncler is worse, some amount of thousand euro Moncler jackets in the lads arriving to school

Jesus mate, you’ve gone right snarky lately, have I upset you somehow??

Coyote fur hood

I’d love one of those jackets with the Norway flags on the slieve

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Just put a sign on your back saying “drug dealer”


About 4 years ago, a jacket went missing in school. People were getting very flustered. I could not understand the fuss about a missing jacket. I was then informed that it was a canada goose jacket. I had never heard of canada goose and still could not understand all the drama. I was then informed that said jacket was 3000e. The penny dropped. I started my investigation by doing the rounds of the classes, asking if anyone had seen a canada geese jacket. Needless to say, it never turned up.


What sort of a fucking eejit would wear a 3,000 euro jacket into school.


Surely bullies would be inclined to rob the expensive jackets off the more timid kids?

Exactly, it was a rotten jacket to boot.