Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead


I’d prefer the prison to that shithole

Are you not the only fella who has combined both?

Does working count?

Hutch has a distinctive appearance and his face would be recognisable even if partially obscured by a motorcycle helmet.

Regarding international trafficking etc no borders

He’ll walk now.


They had some obviously cock and bull story yesterday about how in fact it was the PSNI who alerted them to the specific locations Hutch had travelled to in the North.

This whole thing stinks really. The Guards can’t say how they know what they know

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called it

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They were tracking him in a foreign jurisdiction where they had no power or authority to do it. It’s funny to see them obfuscate on this evidence and any right minded person would see that this goes to their entire credibility.

Ultimately though it will be embarrassing and defence counsel will enjoy making them squirm but it won’t secure the release of the captured rabbit from the hutch or the captured Hutch from the hopper.

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Is the Garda fuck up good news or bad news for Hutch?

Rebekah Vardyesque

The tracker plus slaughtering the kidnapping, waterboarding weasel when they get him to the stand will surely make it a lot more.likely he walks now than the dead duck he looked before the trial started?

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I’d be amazed if he walks. The evidence seems over whelming.

Guys can we not use cops when referring to the Gardai. Thanks guys.

What’s the overwhelming evidence?

I want to know this too.

It’s been remarkably low key so far.


You could have used the term snare somewhere in there.
Would have augmented the already fine terminology.:+1:

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