Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

You’d imagine Dowdall will get thorn to shreds when the defense get at him

SF -5

Given the way things are going, it may all be jnadmissable

DPP V JC gives the court the fig leaf they need. I reckon they’ll appropriately admonish the Gardai but still allow enough of it

It’s interesting beyond this case to see the Gardai be less than forthcoming - certainly a lot of District and Circuit court cases turn on police evidence - and deliver self serving evidence. Criminal trials are never about the truth really.

Another example (albeit they were under covert surveillance) that if people shut the fuck up and said nothing the police would struggle to pin anything on them.


Dunno about that. Especially after theyve shredded records. Added to that it cant have been inadvertent if the RUC was observing after theu crossed the border.

Id imagine hutch would be beating a path to europe if convicted and id imagine the govt wknt want that particular can of worms opened.

Agree about difficulty of gathering the evidence though

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Yeah they clearly continued surveillance over the border, knew they shouldn’t have and now need to deal with the fall out.

Destroying records while a prosecution was pending is close to the line for any court bur I still think they’ll find a way to walk back and let another court deal with it rather than release Hutch from the snare that he seems to have willingly walked into cc @anon67715551

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Was just looking at that. Are we well past 3 years from the finish of the surveillance, but nowhere near the end of the court proceedings?

Yep. Ghe surveillance was 2016 but the prosection was brought in february and the records were destroyed after that so it does create an issue

Once they kept them over 3 years and a prosecution started they were snookered. They should have an effective destruction plan

It’s contradictory alright. The ministerial oversight hardly comes into it too often

Its judicial oversoght with this kind of thing IIRC a judge comes in and looks at things

As in he/she would appoint someone under Sect 5?

Section 12

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“look judge, we saw the evidence, take our word for it”

  • the gardai?

“He said it just as they were approaching Dundalk , honest your honour”…


And then we all covered our ears once they cross ed the border.


Id say more incredible rather than extraordinary

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His links with Spud Murphy need to be investigated

H’on Hutchy boi!