Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

How do you see them calling it: fair game, inadmissable or partially allowed for conversation that can be confirmed as within the State?

I didn’t see much coverage last week. BG is talking like the defence proved definitively that surveillance is relying on evidence gathered as they continued into the North, is that the case?

I’m not 100% certain as only picking up twitter snippets too. Fact it was allowed to be heard in its entirety would suggest there’s a leaning towards permitting it I’d have thought. Could use the ‘but only elements heard within the State’ might placate both and avoid future grounds for appeal.

It’s an interesting one.

I’d imagine there’s enough legitimate recording to at least support the broader State case of where they were off to, and for what purpose. Other hurdles ahead though

if that was the thinking then i’d say theyre in trouble on appeals grounds by hearing it in its entirety. whatever about the appeal in the irish courts, itll prob go to europe

The scale of the kinahan operation is something else. Obviously it’s all wrong but they must be incredibly intelligent to pull it off. You’d also wonder why at some point they didn’t just walk away? They’d more money made than they needed. I guess just like Sean Quinn it was greed but when you know it’s drugs it seems even more mental.

Frank has very similar facial and hand gestures and tone of voice as egghead Donnelly.

Gwan team Hutch

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uh, oh

looks like we are being stitched up here

How is that gonna stand up in the European Court of Appeal?

The Supreme Court decision in JC in 2016 means Hutch will go down and Graham Dwyer appeal won’t succeed.

This is a fucking outrage

How can illegal evidence be admissible?

Surpreme Court decision above allows it if inadvertent or in good faith.

It’s outrageous all the same as they clearly knew it was unlawful.

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It’s up there with imprisonment of the Birmingham Six, Guildford Four and the A-team

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A fuckin Kangaroo Court

The SF IRA lads demanding the removal of the Special Criminal Court because it refuses to recognise partition should exclude evidence is wonderful :joy: