Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

He has the reverse Nike swoosh birthmark that all the Hennessy family are born with.

The Andrecut’s and Amah’s coming over here murdering our gunmen #blanchisfull


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Kinda sad they were all out for dinner together on Christmas eve. Mr Sherry could have done a lot of damage with assault rifle.

There’s those bags again


He’s the Luke littler of the Hennessy OCG


That’s the life you sign up for in that game. I was in a relationship with someone who grew up with the crumlin/drimnagh main characters. She told of some of the household names sleeping in a different trusted friend or relative’s attic for no more than 2/3 nights, then onto the next house, and some of them millionaires. You don’t get to go out with your family for dinner on Christmas eve where everyone knows you like normal families and expect to be safe and protected. Naive move.

Christmas Eve a bit late for an office Christmas party

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When’s the book coming out again?

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If he grew up on a different side of Dublin he’d be in the Leinster academy as a loosehead… some unit of an 18yo… them the breaks I guess


Is the small lad next in line to be hooked up to the fat head pump. Your man is nearly done with it.


A Wayne Deegan (25) has been the other guy charged

There is nearly always a Wayne involved in these skirmishes.


Looks like Wayne was on the Turkey teeth trip too.

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That photo reminds me of this…

The next person to be shot should be that lad’s barber.


I’d say he didn’t want to be mistaken for the two Hennessy brothers so kept the fringe. Mighty fringe in fairness.

Going by one of these ginger fat heads announcing his urge to preform anal sex with a male garda on TV a few years ago, I’d imagine the small rent boy looking chap is used for a different type of pumping.


Lovely handbag that.

Is Andrecut a foreigner as well looks like a native?

I see Mr Ward has been arrested

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