Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Real stench of ozark abput this


A coffin left on your front drive is a less than subtle hint to keep the head down

I’d say an industrial sized shredder got a lot of use over the last 2 weeks. A shelf company up and running since Monday, Smash Burger Ltd. They should have shut the restaurant for 2 weeks, dissolved the old company, set up a new one, drip paid the old debtors and paid up front for whatever they got in. A right good excuse to dispose of some dead wood staff wise as well. Thanking their suppliers for their valued goods but then telling them to “get fucked” when they want paying. It’s a right cunts trick, and they may as well close the fucking doors.


Not noted for their love of a structured debt repayment plan…


A friend runs a retail butcher shop with a much larger wholesale supply behind it. His father ran it before him.

It is the most stressful debtors book that I have ever seen or heard of.

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“our journey with Ballyseedy”


Shut Down Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

this is the kind of act that would get them ballyseeded

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I’d have thought they were on the go for 30 years and were v established themselves. Don’t know much about em barring v positive feedback from few people who used em on large commercial projects.

The Irish are shite at paying their bills on time in general. My experience. (especially small businesses…the worst)

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You’d want to try getting a house built. The only fcuking thing that ever arrives on time is the bills. Ours, which I was promised would be ready last September doesn’t even have any fcuking windows yet, nor is the roof finished,mainly because the blocklayers fucked off on another job in the summer when the weather was good. I’ve told the builder I’m.moving in in July and he’ll have to work around me. He thinks I’m joking. I’m not joking in the slightest.


No first fix yet ? ,:thinking:

I’ll tell you one thing. The locals would forgive the drug dealing quicker than that.

After working on the sites for close to a decade here, compared to the same at home…I’d never buy a house built by an Irish person or company. The standard of material, attention to detail, the ‘shur, what they won’t see won’t hurt them’…Irish people get rode on housing. Not only on price. Every building I rented in Dublin, you’d have to wear a jacket inside in winter due to poor insulation. Damp in almost every building. Most builders will build during a boom, squirrel the cash away, burn their suppliers, declare bankruptcy and have the villa in spain to retire to.

i presume that was after Mrs F told you she was moving in in July? :smiley:

Flatty having a stern word with the blocklayers and builder….

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That won’t be happening anyways.


July 2025. You think I’m joking. I’m not.

The only way he’ll be in this July is if he ships over a hundred of them slaves from Pakistan he has packing boxes to give Bob the Builder a hand.


Maybe that was the purpose of the trip. Like Zucks scouting east Meath for data centre sites

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