Transfer Window - Summer 2008

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]1. How was he an utter flop? Fucking 28 goals in 63 games!!!
2. Fowler scored a shitful of goals dfuring that time as well. If they had a proper defence they could have won the league. Fowler and Collymore did their bit.
3. There is a hint in that to the fact that he never made it for England and hence had a bad career but that he had so much ability…[/quote]

1 Do you think he was a successful signing? Genuinely now.
2 You’re throwing Ruddock in as a red herring to distract from the fact that both collymore and fowler fucked up their own careers. Why were those players so shite post Ruddock. They won nothing thanks to their own failings.
3 There are hundreds of players with bags of ability who never make it. The speed of Collymore’s fall should not blind you to the fact he did fuck all in the first place.

[quote=“larryduff”]Paul Byrne had more talent than Stan Collymore. I wouldn’t consider comparing him to Steven Gerrard though.***
**There is no way that Collymore or Fowler were nearly as talented as Larsson was.[/quote]

Really convincing argument there larryduff. Good that you are able to substantiate on your opinions.

[quote=“therock67”]1 Do you think he was a successful signing? Genuinely now.
2 You’re throwing Ruddock in as a red herring to distract from the fact that both collymore and fowler fucked up their own careers. Why were those players so shite post Ruddock. They won nothing thanks to their own failings.
3 There are hundreds of players with bags of ability who never make it. The speed of Collymore’s fall should not blind you to the fact he did fuck all in the first place.[/quote]

Really don’t know why you are persuing this becuase frankly you are talking through your hole

  1. Yes. Not going to say that goddam statistic again.
  2. No. I used Ruddock in the context of Liverpool not winning the league. Fowler and Collymore did their part but were let down my an utterly useless defence at whose heart was Ruddock. I am not blaming Ruddock for Fowler’s and Collymore’s career going awry, just for costing Liverpool a league.
  3. Not sure of your definition of ‘never made it’. I would say that there are a lot of players who don’t get the career and honours that their talent deserves. Collymore was an extremely talented and gifted player.

you are totally blind when it comes to liverpool lad.

collymore cost 8m and didnt deliver so was offloaded for a loss. fowler showed more consistency but after a couple of successful seasons he fell into a lazy stupor.

you made a huge deal on here before on judging players on their achievements not on their potential. but you cannot or will not see that all you have to go on for collymore and fowler is potential. they both failed to make a major impact on the game and both should blame themselves. the reason collymore has no medals is not neil ruddock. dont kid yourself into believing anything else.

Merely following the path of others farmer.
Byrne was a supremely talented two footed footballer. He had an excellent range of passing, could tackle, was a good dribbler and had a really good shoot. With his fantastic vision and calming prescene he could really influence a game. Byrne also did it in big games as was evidenced when he scored against Rangers in a vital match in the 1993/1994 season. Due to a range of problems outside of football Byrne didn’t have a long career at any of the top clubs. It was a pleasure to have watched him playing.

Liverpool bought Collymore for 8.5m and sold him for 7m. He scored 28 goals in 63 matches. He wasn’t a flop. You can’t say that he was.

Not sure where I made a big deal about achievements over talent but all I ever said was that these lads had talent - and bags of it. They may have won a league had it not been for a leaky defence where Neil Ruddock inexplicably got his game for about three years - a guy with nothing going for him.

Fine - the two lads went drastically downhill afterwards.

Now I don’t know how I am blind or what I am blind towards but that makes sense to me…

Would staying with Celtic, in a second rate league, for the best part of your career not be consider a ‘lazy stupor’? considering he could have gone and played or tested himself consistantly at a higher level?

Dont know what is lazy about breaking goalscoring records and winning league titles and winning European Golden Boots and scoring in World Cups and European Championships and winning the Champions League and scoring twice in a UEFA Cup Final and scoring more goals in European club competition than any othercplayer from a British team ever - despite playing for a so-called second rate team.

Call me old-fashioned but to me that sounds far more like hard work than rotting away in the reserve team of various clubs - barely registering 20 top flight goals this century.

The SPL is rated in Europe’s top ten leagues by UEFA. Larsson proved himself in Europe at club level by virtue of the plethora of goals he scored for Celtic in the Champions League and UEFA Cup and also on the world stage for Sweden in international tournaments over a 15-year period. Robbie Fowler’s main achievements were over a 3-year period solely in the English league. He’s not fit to lace the boots of the person who usually laces Larsson’s boots.

fowler is in the same stirking bracket as paul warhurst,marco gabbadani,kevin phillips & ian woan

a good season or 2 then into obscurity

[quote=“therock67”]Dont know what is lazy about breaking goalscoring records and winning league titles and winning European Golden Boots and scoring in World Cups and European Championships and winning the Champions League and scoring twice in a UEFA Cup Final and scoring more goals in European club competition than any othercplayer from a British team ever - despite playing for a so-called second rate team.

Call me old-fashioned but to me that sounds far more like hard work than rotting away in the reserve team of various clubs - barely registering 20 top flight goals this century.[/quote]

I never said second rate team, i said league… i also didn’t ask about internationls or his time with Barca…

The guy could have played at the highest level in his prime, and no doubt would have been a success, but choose the easy life. Big fish in a small pond if you will. He never really tested himself, or had to fight/work for his place or face top class defenders week in week out. He was happy to be the king of the castle in Scotland,fair enough,As for Barca he toddled off there at the end of his career for a couple of years in the sun to come off the bench now and again, and then another easy ride for UTD when he was covering and nothing expected of him.

His honours read well, but in fairness any top professional would swap half of them for One Premiership or a La Liga.

His honours read well, but in fairness any top professional would swap half of them for One Premiership or a La Liga.[/quote]

Was going to vote for Dan again but after that comment going to nominate you for idiot of the month.

[quote=“ChocolateMice”]I never said second rate team, i said league… i also didn’t ask about internationls or his time with Barca…

The guy could have played at the highest level in his prime, and no doubt would have been a success, but choose the easy life. Big fish in a small pond if you will. He never really tested himself, or had to fight/work for his place or face top class defenders week in week out. He was happy to be the king of the castle in Scotland,fair enough,As for Barca he toddled off there at the end of his career for a couple of years in the sun to come off the bench now and again, and then another easy ride for UTD when he was covering and nothing expected of him.

His honours read well, but in fairness any top professional would swap half of them for One Premiership or a La Liga.[/quote]

Dear God. I know professional footballers are not considered the smartest people but I reckon very few of them would swap 2 la liga medals for one la liga medal. gobshite.

I said half of his honours … was he not injured for almost all his first season? came off the bench for most of the second?? then when he is offered another year decides to go back home to the swedish league where he could be the big fish again… hard work that…Also, no need to get so touchy, enjoy your honeymoon.

i reckon fowler would swap all his crappy medals for one CL or one premiership or one la liga

is that not what i said?? …Larsson won the only honours that count in one season playing a bit part at the end of his career.

i dont follow english football so i wouldnt know but did larsson win an epl?
what he did win was the golden boot,CL,la liga twice

the only thing fowler won of note & even that is debatable is the uefa cup

[quote=“north county corncrake”]i dont follow english football so i wouldnt know but did larsson win an epl?
what he did win was the golden boot,CL,la liga twice

the only thing fowler won of note & even that is debatable is the uefa cup[/quote]

Oh right, so Djimi traore and Vladamir smicer are better players than anyone that hasn’t won a champions league??

you were the one that brought in medals to the debate, henrik also won the golden boot

anyway Larsson played for Feyenord Celtic Barca & Manchester
fowler played for Liverpool cardiff & blackburn

[quote=“north county corncrake”]you were the one that brought in medals to the debate, henrik also won the golden boot

anyway Larsson played for Feyenord Celtic Barca & Manchester
fowler played for Liverpool cardiff & blackburn[/quote]

I didn’t bring Medals into it… When did Fowler play for Blackburn??