Transfer Window - Summer 2008

Yeah the list you gave Farmer were all proved in England true enough but the amount of players signed from the EPL and outside of it isn’t that different. Hargreaves is another one signed from outside the EPL.

Utd can’t buy every player out there and also players may not want to move there. The Ronaldinho one had extenuating circumstances surrounding it. Tevez had recently been bought around the time Liverpool got him. Theres usually good reasons why any team may miss out on a player.

So you mean to tell me that if United came in for Carrick before he went to Spurs, Ferdinand before he went Leeds, Van der Saar before he went to Fulham and Berbatov before he went to Spurs then he wouldn’t have got them??

Come off it - the reason he didn’t do it was because he was too chicken-shit and because he had loads of money he could afford to wait until they are ‘proven’.

It’s not an English thing - he could have bought Hargreaves years ago for half the price but he waited until he had a decent World Cup and the price doubled before he had any interest in him…

I’ve already accepted you’re point on the players you mentioned. Do you accept my point on the players I listed?

Villa have confirmed that Liverpool have made a bid for Gareth Barry but not a straight cash offer…

Crazy if they pay 14 million for him…

Always liked him as a player but if he wasn’t worth 14m 4 or 5 years ago (and he wasn’t) then he’s not worth that sort of money now.

Mathieu Flamini has been pictured in Milan on Sky Sports News. I don’t understand why Arsenal refused to offer him the 5k extra per week after the season he’s had. Sure, he can be accused of being greedy but he’s entitled to speak to other clubs with his contract expiring and if he’s being offered more in the market then I’m surprised Arsenal didn’t match it. They’re now a very rich club due to their new stadium and its increased capacity so I didn’t think they’d stick to a regimented wage structure.

Not sure how this is all going to pan out for Arsenal. On the one hand you’d be admiring them a bit for trying to keep their wage structure intact but at the same time someone’s making a shit load of money from that new stadium so who deserves that more than the players? They can afford to spend bigger, they’re just choosing to retain more money for the shareholders.

Stephen Carr has been released by Newcastle. I can’t see many decent teams coming in for him as his form has been no better than mediocre for years. He was playing some sensational stuff before he picked up the knee injury that forced him to miss the 2002 World Cup but his career has really fallen away since then.

Very frustrating news for Liverpool fans on the transfer front.

Good news

  1. Looks like Riise will leave.
  2. Looking for full backs - Degen (he any use?) and Abidal linked

Bad news

  1. Looks like Crouch will leave
  2. Missing out on Modric
  3. May miss out on Joaquin (linked with Everton)
  4. Barry linked for way too much money

Which Degen is it? Don’t think either of them are all that great - think Phillip was on trial with Celtic last summer and we let him go and re-signed Doumb instead.

I wonder will Keane pick him up for Sunderland?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Villa have confirmed that Liverpool have made a bid for Gareth Barry but not a straight cash offer…

Crazy if they pay 14 million for him…[/quote]

ManYoo paid 16mill and 18mill for Carrick and Hargreaves. Barry is keeping both of them out of the England team. Surely he’s worth at least the same as them?

What I can’t understand about this is that apparently Rafa will ask GB for fill in at LB and LM. Would be crazy to pay that money and then not play a player in his strongest position.

According to MON L’pool have offered a ‘mish-mash’ of players. I wonder who they are. Finnan, Pennant, Benayoun, Riise have all been mentioned.

Would be kinda to pick him up. Have you seen him recently? He’s put on a few pounds!

Sorry, I’ll get my coat…

Would have been a better joke without the type OCH.

I’d have Barry in roughly the same bracket as Carrick and Hargreaves. Like him as a player and always struck me as a decent guy but don’t know how brilliant he is. He’s a bit too slow on the ball to play central midfield at the top level IMO but I haven’t seen that much of him recently.

Anyway I think Carrick and Hargreaves were both hugely overpriced so I think Barry is too but that’s the sort of money that’s floating around the EPL at the moment.

[quote=“One Cold Hand”]ManYoo paid 16mill and 18mill for Carrick and Hargreaves. Barry is keeping both of them out of the England team. Surely he’s worth at least the same as them?

That would be true if Carrick and Hargreaves were worth 16 and 18 million but they are not. I would say that they are worth around 10m - 12m. Therefore Barry is not worth 14m.

Riise (about five years too late), Pennant and Carson were amongst the players offered apparently…

Liverpool close to buying Maik Taylor from Birmingham as back-up for Reina. He’s 36!!

Philipp at Dortmund. If he’s not good enough for Celtic…

I was thinking about the Flamini deal a bit more earlier. I can understand Arsenal putting a limit on what they offered him as it was more or less his first full season playing as a regular and playing that well and it’s fair enough that they didn’t want to offer him something that would put him ahead of others who have performed consistently better for longer. On the other hand, it’s not as if he’s gone and joined someone rubbish solely for the money. I can’t blame anyone who wants to join Milan to get to play with some of their players and it’s not as if he did a Liam Miller and turned his back on the club after they supported him through 2 years of injuries. It’s just one of those things in modern football with freedom of contract - he wasn’t considered important enough to tie down before this season and now that he’s had a good campaign he’s free to exercise his right to leave.

Carlton Cole from Wham being linked to Celtic. Please God take him away from us. Sunderland and Middlesboro monitoring the situation too. Mendes from Pompey on the way out, as too is Sol Campbell. Would love to get Mendes, class player.

Can’t see Celtic being interested in Cole. Big Jan is our target man and we have Samaras (maybe not next season), Hutchison and Killen as backup with Sheridan waiting in the wings. If Celtic are interested in a striker it will be of the nippier variety.

Actually think it was the other Degen who was on trial at Celtic, can’t remember the lad’s name though.