
The problem is that there’s more than a small minority that’s have no respect for the settled community or the law. The greatest opponents of Traveller education are travellers themselves. They look down on any Traveller that tries to get an education or job. A lot of myths about them being bullied in schools which is utter horseshit, they do the bullying. In my lifetime I’ve witnessed multiple incidents of travellers attacking or intimidating people but none of the reverse.

As a community they seem to be more interested in bringing solicitors around to pubs hoping to get refused drink instead of educating their children.


He’s only playing up to his newfound edgy persona. Don’t mind him.

I’ll disagree with you on a couple of points, travellers are most definitely very often the victims of what could be perceived as bullying in schools,
Because you said ‘never in my life’ I’ll talk about my own schooldays, I was in primary and secondary school with lots of travellers, they were abused, called disgusting names and often spat on and beaten up for no particular reason, in short they were looked down on, there was fuck all I could do about it as a child but I found most of them to be decent fellas,
Now I see it happening in my own school as well, we have travellers and settled travellers and they have to listen to similar stuff that the kids are bringing in from the parents, I teach a fella with a notorious surname but he’s only a child, he’s no shrinking violet but when he resorts to the fists it’s usually justified from what he’s been listening to. I’ve found his parents to be decent people in my dealings with them, he’s in school every day and they’re supportive towards anything we’d put in place.

There’s a fair bit of truth in your post but I still think that the general acceptance of what is racism in my opinion (don’t worry about semantics if the word racism) is a blight on this fine forum


That never happened

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I believe him.

I respect your right to believe him.

You left out the #

I don’t like French people, largely because of a prick I lived with in college, if that helps?


I don’t like Cork people


More pikey culture

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I don’t like “some” Limerick ppl either


I’ve been saying it for years, the greyhound tracks should be doubling up as sulkie racing tracks. The bookies would do some turnover those nights :joy: Obviously a chance the greyhound track would be destroyed but you wouldn’t even notice in most of them if it was. It’s a big thing in Sweden actually, a variant of sulkie racing


Most people hate French people in fairness.

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The guards are doing their best apparently, they’re hands are tied by top brass and under funding and under staffing and and and


The Guards are so flat out they are letting every pub in Killarney operate without a late licence

They had no evidence to arrest anyone who was intimidating Kevin Lunny and his directors. Yet once he was nearly beaten to death they found the “resources” to arrest a heap of people and take down initimidatory signs which had been up for months.


They’ve plenty of lads to be out checking for tax on a Sunday morning too but sure there’s no work in that

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This is a few days ago. They’ve no resources to stop sulky racing on national roads.

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