Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Enjoyed it. Bit too much of a Dawson Creek’s meets meth pipe at times but definitely novel storylines and viewpoints. Young fella is a serious psycho. Well worth a watch.

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Euphoria is brilliant. A rollercoaster of events. Great acting. Savage soundtrack.

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That young wan has some rack on her tbf


Very impressive.

‘Watchmen’ getting great reviews.

Started raising Dion. It’s not bad

Trailer looked unreal it was the first I heard of this show when I saw the trailer last night. It’s been a while since HBO had a new top class show, they’ve been totally bypassed by the streaming platforms making their own content, particularly Netflix of course. I think I read before that the man that was over HBO years ago when they were making all the brilliant TV fell out with them over budgeting constraints and he’s since spearheaded Netflix success in creating their stuff.

Watched an episode of Euphoria seeing as it was mentioned on here and a HBO production, it’s very disturbing, probably the most disturbing show I’ve watched and not all that interesting. I’ll be signing out from it here now.

What sort of audience is it even aimed at? Must be very hard relate to for people over the age of 18 yet it’s an over 18 show.

It doesn’t get any less disturbing but the storyline descends more into a teenagey dating love triangle effort with some violence. Entertaining but not your cup of tea id say. if you didn’t like the first episode you will not be a fan of later revelations.

Yeah, that Game of Thrones got fuck all praise.

The key word being “new” fucko.

Had a massive binge on Happy Valley yesterday having never watched it before. It’s savage.


Succession is about the only decent new show HBO have produced in the past 4 years or so.

It’s done a few decent 30 mins light entertainment series in that time like Silicon Valley, Vice Principals, Barry and Ballers but it has really badly functioned in the serious hour long episode series.

Westworld was dung.
The Deuce was a massive letdown.
They cancelled Vinyl after the first series.
Euphoria looks shit
Sharp Objects
True Detective was back again this year, it was decent but wasn’t a patch on the first series

They really have started to make their most recent shows around disturbing sexual depravity which is very uncomfortable viewing.

Barry is excellent.


Barry is good but it’s one of those 20-30 minute light entertainment type shows. They’ve produced very little in a quality in depth show in a long, long time which used to be a staple of HBO.

It is far from light entertainment. It is a very dark comedy

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Ah it’s light entertainment, it something you could casually watch and get a few laughs out of and not miss any glaring plotlines if you went out of the room for 5 minutes.

I like it but it’s light entertainment.

Sharp objects yea or nay

Weird and shit too.

Might give it one episode.

Any recommendations otherwise?