Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Not too much.

Shows I’ve seen recently which I enjoyed:

City on a Hill

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Just can’t warm to mindhunter. Cant shake the fact that behavioural science is complete bollox

I think it’s brilliant, very strong cast and I think they do a brilliant job of making a period seem authentic.

It’s one of the very few shows Netflix have done right.

City on a hill is appalling IMO.

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I enjoyed it.

Bacon is terrific in it.

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What’s this Barry you speak of, bud?

+1 I’ve tried to watch it twice now and haven’t gotten further than the 3rd episode. Think it’s very hard to warm to the main guy in it.

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Why do you need to ‘warm’ to the main character?

If you don’t enjoy watching the main character in a series there is a good chance you are not going to enjoy watching the series.


TFK wouldn’t be the roaring success it is today had people not warmed to @Bandage


Think its fair to say ‘The Watchmen’ won’t go down great on tfk.

That’s part of his schtick as he’s some bit autistic. He can’t handle or read proper human emotion. Bill on the otherhand is very empathetic and aware but, in true bloke fashion, buries all down deep inside. He’s a great character.

The older guy is a good character alright.

That actor was put into boarding school in Ireland. Ran away a few times from home etc. Interesting dude.

He’s not really meant to be likable though. He’s a bit of a prick, that’s kind of the point

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And maybe that works for some people and not for others.

Look I’m sure many have enjoyed the show, plenty have raved about it on here for sure, I’ve just never got into it and I feel yer man is the main reason why.

Ah sure it takes all sorts to make the World go round. A lot of people I know love Power and I think it’s greatest pile of steaming shite I’ve ever seen.

have you watched manhunt: unabomber?

Why is that bro?