Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Been watching a Norwegian crime drama called Wisting. Cariie Ann Moss from the Matrix in it anFBI agent. It’s fucking brilliant.

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I loves the snow me. Must give it a go.

This Dublin Murders is preposterous. The plot holes are like giant craters.

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Is there any chance you’re going to croak it soon?

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We’re all in the waiting room, mo chara.

Anyone been watching the new season of South Park?

I’ll make it my business to catch up this weekend.

Would you believe I only caught up on the last couple of episodes last night. This season is mainly around Tegridy Farms and any episode of South Park which is Randy centric is alright by me.

There is a very good impossible whopper/there will be blood episode.

What a strange thing to ask someone.

Answer the man

This Dublin murders was going alright but it’s gone very silly now. I’ll see it out, but I don’t see how it can come back from this

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I’ve just finished episode 4 and it’s beginning to turn. Like you, I’ll stick it out but I hope it doesn’t go too mental.

The New Series of the Young Offenders was on the iPlayer last night.

I can try download it later on and share the link with my e pals if anyone wants it…

Have all 6 (six) episodes downloaded now.

Feel free to PM me if ye want them and I can send a link

(Once I find a suitable means of sharing them that protects my identity on the INTERNET)

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Watching pennyworth. The origin of Alfred, batmans man servant. Its good.

Fucking nonsense.

That whole thing in the middle was completely fucking pointless and an absolutely ridiculous plot as well

I just read an article there and apparently it’s adapted from two different novels from the same author and jammed in together. That’s exactly what it feels like.

Could have been a decent series if they just stuck with the main story I think


I thought the final episode was good. Complete waste of time shoehorning the plot of the second book in mid season though. Each book focuses on different characters so if another season is made nidges character will probably be centre stage.

Yeah it’s two novels combined. Lot of potential but all a bit messy in the execution.

Someone wrote those two really shit books?

It just so happens we need an undercover cop to pretend to be a murdered woman who looks exactly like you

Ask me bollix

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