Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)


Finished off Mad Men last night. Outstanding.


Ignorant whure

I just searched for this thread to say i was watching the first series now. 3 episodes down. Very good. Surprised not more chat about it here. I had it saved on the box for 12 months Id say

I started watching entourage again. It’s some show.


The first series was excellent. Ive the second one recording and will wait till ive a few saved up.

Season 6 of Bosch premieres on Prime April 17.

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I’ll drill down into that later

Finally started this one, watched the first episode. Good show. Lovely light watching during the lockdown.


Modern Family is very funny.

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Jay and Phil are brilliant

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All of Save me Too is available if you have sky box sets. Its better than first series IMO. Dark as fuck. I watched an episode there and I was having fucking palpitations

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Started the wire again from season 1 earlier this evening on sky boxsets.

Few years since I’ve watched it - top top class.


Do you know what’s a great show I haven’t watched in an age. Rescue me


Yeah. Seriously fucked up


Back in the day I was living in dublin on Adelaide Rd. Mates were living on Pearse St. Used to call there Sunday evenings go for few pints back to theirs and get bombed and watch TV. Rescue Me or Nip/Tuck was the option. I fucking hated nip tuck but manys the night I walked home that deserted strip between Pearse st up along the canal to baggot st bridge paranoid off my head that The Carver might be about

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It’s an awfully pity he wasn’t…