Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

The wife liked it. Was grand.

I don’t think a TV show ever disappointed me as much as Treme, it’s not that it was totally shit because it was OK, but at the time the link with The Wire was being strongly emphasised, it’s not in the same ballpark at all at all


Based on the Connelly books? A great character in the books, does the series to justice to the books?

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I actually really liked it. It was a show that I watched with the Mrs start to finish (we have the DVDs of each series, like some kind of luddites). She didn’t make it past the first episode of The Wire, but really dug Treme. Bar Simon and many of the same actors, it isn’t like The Wire at all really. The Corner (which again shares many of the same actors) is closer to The Wire. Show Me A Hero, the mini series from Simon is also very good. I haven’t seen The Deuce yet.

It’s a bit tame for me. But it’s not bad.

Bosch is fairly dark in the books. Does that come across in the TV show?

Yes and i love the books. Titus welliver is very well cast. He also has a claddagh ring tattoo on his arm so he’s from the wesht :muscle:

A bit but it’s obviously sanitized. Youd get a free trial of prime and plough through it. Now some of the stories are from the books but theres enough side stories and dramatization to keep you happy

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Kinda, it’s a bit toned down. It’s decent enough but has a bit of a pg feel to it.

The Deuce is terrible. If they just ran with the storyline about the mob it could have been very good but some of the sex stuff is disgusting and unnecessary.

Gangs of London, good start to it


Show me a Hero miles better than Treme. I despised the Deuce

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Enjoyed it

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Fairly graphic… Good first episode all the same

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Great fight scenes but yes, very graphic

Finished S1 of Treme I think it’s superb. If you go in looking for a repeat of the Wire of course you’ll be disappointed, it’s a completly different buzz, just happens to have a lot of the same cast. The music is spellbinding. I’d say the Wire is vastly overtated and Treme is vastly underrated

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Finished Season 4 of ‘The Expanse’ - pretty much a lead-in season, but excellent nonetheless. It does characters far better than most other current shows, which makes up for some spotty acting in a couple of individual cases. The difference between a couple of the story lines being pure cliche is due to the viewer’s investment in the character. Moreover it does both the small stuff and big stuff well in terms of plot - its similar to GoT in that case, when GoT was good.

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‘The Wire is vastly overrated’ - sweet jesus. Also Treme got great reviews, not sure how it could be considered underrated.

The Deuce was excellent imo.

The Wire is just like the Father Ted, dare suggest its not as good as the INTERNET tells you and you’re in trouble. It’s good, sometimes great but some amount of plot holes hidden behind a host of cut out characters. Treme is actually a much better first season especially now, set as it is under the post Katrina lockdown

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…plot holes? Sweet jesus who cares about plot holes.