Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

I just didn’t find the hook in Treme. An easy watch but nothing really storyline wise.

Goodman’s character and the guy like a grown up kid from Jerry Maguire were gas.

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Finished the first two seasons of the wire since last weekend.

To break it up a small bit I’m contemplating gangs of london - something is telling me it’ll be shite though.

It’s not shite. It’s quite good. Has good potential. I’m 4 episodes deep. It can get fair gory at times

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Cheers pal - will give it a look. Reviews are good as well.

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Anyone watched zero zero zero ?

Gangs of London is about the most cliched, prepsoterous thing you could ever watch.

An undercover cop who is more skilled than James Bourne who seemingly has a licence to kill as many criminals as he wants and then gets romat
A renowned and known billionaire London drug dealer who has the biggest construction company in the city that has his own bloody name on it and high rise office blocks in the high rises of the city. Fucking hell fire.
Another known drug dealer who is running to become the Mayor of London. :rollseyes:
A conglomerate of different criminal factions all answering to a boss, how many more shows are going to make a Lucky Luciano type structure the hub of the premise.

And that’s just as far as I got into the third episode.

The acting is absolutely woeful, certainly the most unoriginal crime drama I’ve seen in a long, long time. The lead guy who plays the son of Colm Meaney is probably the worst actor of the lot along with the black guy who was Meaney’s partner/right hand man.

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You just spoilered half it you bollix.

I only watched the first three episodes.

It’s like Snatch meets Kill Bill without any of the charm, intellect or wit.

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Every single word of that is true yet I find it strangely entertaining :smiley:. It’s the most violent thing I’ve ever seen on TV which I shouldn’t find entertaining but I do.

We finished it last night. It’s ridiculous in places, but they must have went down the GoT line of shock and kill off.

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Ah feck it was looking forward to seeing it

I’ll give it a wide berth so

Don’t let me put you off, pal.

Not for me anyway.

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Definitely go for it. It’s off the charts but it isn’t bad. 6.5/10 and it’s only the first series

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Yeah. Meh. Building blocks for something decent but story never really grabs you

I’ll have a gander

I’ve gone through the 1st two series of Bosch since last weekend.I think it’s very good.A solid 8/9 out of 10.


First ep was pretty. Good

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Very enjoyable show. Harry’s ‘I play by my own rules’ schtik gets tiresome after s3 I find

I dunno. He doesn’t come across as the Dirty Harry type. There’s something missing. I’ll stick with it for another while. I rarely drop anything to be honest. I like to think I have made the right decision I suppose.