Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

How far in? It gets better and better.

I have the first 3 watched too.Its very good.

Funnyman dead

It can be a bit cliché at times, but it’s watchable. I would have read a good few of the books so I know what I’m going to get. Welliver is a good bit of casting in that respect.

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Heads up, Charlie Booker is doing a corona special tomorrow called Antiviral Wipe.


Who is Charlie Booker ??

He writes a bit of script for Fair City

Gangs of London very good bar last two episodes I thought. Had heard about the extreme violence but ultimately, decent story that violence adds to but doesn’t centre on.

Lead actor too wishy washy as well, would have been better bringing across more of his alley craft from Peaky Blinders

Definitely worth watching Gangs of London tho, enjoyable.

Just finished Season 5 of Bosch.Very good.Dont fuck with Harry Bosch.

MITHC :+1:

The scene of the shooting of the German worker guy by Mike at the end of the fourth series of Better Call Saul is utterly brilliant.

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Too Old to Die Young - Amazon

Miles Teller stars in this Nicholas Winding Refn directed series as a street cop turned killer-for-hire (far as I can tell anyway)

Filthy GTA vibe off this first episode

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Wish I had read this post before I watched any of it. Very formulated program and some awful nonsense going on. Hardly a cop to be seen Or a person pulled in for questioning despite all the violence and hits and blowing up of tower blocks in central London. That Fella that played Sean I just could not take seriously at all. Spent most of his time crying or looking dim. Finn has a young pregnant Moll on the go, but kept her in a shit hole flat despite having hundreds of millions and hide outs all over London he could have used.Nice of them to an elite hit squad in it but get two naive pikeys to do the killing just so a pikey gang could be shown.
I’ll be giving season two a swerve if it ever makes it onto the screens. Say they will be two Wallace sprogs knocking about then.

Just started Gomorrah.

Four episodes into season 1 and hooked already.

Ciro :ronnyroar:

Genny :clap::clap:

Don Pietro :crown:

Attilio :astonished:


Isn’t Genny a chubby little mammas boy in most of series 1?

You can see his character development already.

It’s a fantastic show.The soundtrack is class.

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Gomorrah is the greatest show of all time.


Only copped the other day I had it on Sky Demand - was going to re-watch The Wire when I saw Gomorrah was there.

Must go on YouTube and find the song they play at the end credits.

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