Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

About fucking time.

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Christ you’d forget how good Band of Brothers is/was.



An absolutely savage show. Forgotten a bit because it was a miniseries.

Just finished Currahee again. I can’t wait to go through it all again. Incredible.

Was it the last or second last episode where they stumbled on the concentration camp? That episode sticks out…doubt it’s on Netflix but it would be a great shout to watch back again.

Ah, Why We Fight, second last iirc. Gut wrenching.


SKY are showing it currently. Downloadable from there.

It’s years since I watched it but it was a different aspect… A bunch of normal guys coming across the worst of humanity - rather than the worst of humanity put in your face, like Schindlers List, The Pianist, etc - that set it apart. Not that there was anything wrong with the above, but it struck you a different way.

I really want to watch this series back now actually.

I thought it was beyond awful.

You thought BOB was beyond awful?

Total shit with your man Ross Geller from friends fighting away in it, a bunch of softcocks in it sure it was totally unbelievable.

I bid you good night.


I’ve never seen it. Bought the father in law a present of the blu ray years ago, which is probably in a press gathering dust at theirs. In there tomorrow so might take a loan of it

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You’ve never seen Band of Brothers? Ah here lad, take a day off work and sit down for 8 hours. It’s outstanding.

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I’ve never watched it

I’ll give it a go. It’ll take me a month

It won’t once you start. Pure US propaganda, but to be fair it’s probably the last war where they were 100% the good guys. A true story then.

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I read the book “Parachute Infantry” by David Kenyon Webster the sensitive Para. In real life they looted their way across Germany. All the names were changed in the book.


I think it was released around the same time as 9/11.

Basically they made it with all the gear they had left over from Saving Private Ryan. I never took to it myself.