Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

I thought it was only alright, i definitely wouldn’t watch it again

You seem to really enjoy the God Bless America type shows like The West Wing and Band of Brothers. I’m surprised a cynic like yourself swallows that type of scuttery aul propaganda.

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I’m zen

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Jesus @Smark I don’t know what to say.Band of Brothers was a great show.An 8/10 easily.

What did you think of Friends?

You handicapped cunt.

Did you watch Generation Kill?

I thought it was shit.

What did you dock two marks for?

The pacific suffered because bob was so good.

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Generation War?

Generation War was a brilliant show.9/10

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Even the biggest moron on the planet would have given it an 8.It was a 9.5 for me.

What did you dock it the 0.5 for?

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This needs answering

I’m a farmer nothing gets 10


Not even a bit of 10 10 20?

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Generation Kill

Brilliant show , 9/10.

cc @Julio_Geordio

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@Smark trying to have a little dig at MBB has just made himself look like a tard.

@Smark knows what he likes :grinning: