Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Sia knocked it out the park with the tune, and the FF was magnificent closure.

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i actually bought the OST back in the day

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It’s nowhere as good as Mad Men, come on now.

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It’s not even close.

I think the Carousel/Kodak scene in Mad Men is as great a piece of art as you’ll see.

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I know that. Just referring to the look and the style of it.

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Not as good as Mad Men, but Six Feet Under is very good. At least I thought it was 10 years ago when I watched it. Assume it still holds up fairly well.

How many times have you watched Mad Men?

Mad Men is bang average… I never got the hype around it. It’s one of those shows where lads feel compelled to talk it up for some reason.

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Consultants and accountant types who used to wear suits at work and get the odd trip to London on a plane love it because they think it gives justification to their worthless lives. Says the guy with the Roger Sterling avatar.


You’ve ended a few lads there.

It insists on itself

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It’s terrible.

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My thoughts on it too… A show that centres around business got a few business types all giddy. There’s good moments in it but over all it’s grand.

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I hear Netflix are launching a series about double entry accounting in the spring. That will send a few lads off the giddiness scale.

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It’s not about business.

It’s about the human soul.

It’s not for everybody - some lads need mobsters with guns and guts. and that’s okay too.

I’ve seen it twice. Best tv ever made. The brother has just started it, the lucky bastard. He said “the drinking and the smoking, it’s just too much”. I said wait till you see Don going off the rails…

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Sorry I hurt your feelings.

I could never imagine myself watching 6 Feet Under again. Once was enough. Breaking Bad the same way. But I’ve watched Soprano’s a few times, Mad Men twice, and I’ll hit The Wire for a second time later this year.

I knew 1. e4, e5; 2. Nf3, Nc6; and 3. Bb5. would draw you in

Do you bring your Knight and Bishop out quickly to the middle regardless or just respond to your opponent?

Flooding the middle and sidelining my king is the safe way to go?