Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 2)

Lads here want boom boom boom from the off. Episode 5 was bleak viewing

That realisation, Christ it was dreadful. Senseless.

Iā€™ve watched the first 4 and itā€™s mediocre at best.ClichĆ©s galore.Hopefully it picks up but itā€™s no band of brothers thatā€™s for sure.

Ah nothing could match Band of Brothers and itā€™s hamstrung by the recognition factor of its actors. The Pacific suffered likewise but MOTA is a step up considerably on it.

The skies were boom boom pow right from the off in real life bud. Being in a B17 and flying during the day before the Merlin powered P51ā€™s showed up was a death sentence

I think he was referring to character development before getting into chief

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How many episodes are there now vs will be. Waiting till its almost done to binge

The raids in episode 4 were years into the war. It would be like starting BOB in Bastogne

Youā€™re in fact agreeing with him

I think they were trying to portray the bleakness of it by getting us familiar with the happy go lucky adventurers first.

Unlike infantry/ ground forces - these lads returned to a sense of normality in-between missionsā€¦ Flicking that on/off switch must have taken some doing. And bar maybe the pilot, everyone else had zero control of the situation - going up into that situation repeatedly would ate you up.

Agree that the story has lagged at times but the fighting scenes have been excellent.


The moments when the flak stopped and the silence came must have been terrifying

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True Detective wraps up I believe late Sunday night. While the latest season started with a really good first episode it has fizzled away into some load of horse manure as itā€™s gone on. One last chance to make it serviceable now but i fear that chance is gone. Jodie foster was terrible in it as the lead and quite mis-cast I think , but thatā€™s only one of the problems . Her co female detective the Inuit lady former boxer has been head and shoulders the best character in it.

Anyone have a good platform for streaming for free? I want to watch the Apprentice new season episode one but it canā€™t be downloaded on sky box unless youā€™re a UK resident. Edit: I think itā€™s OK Iā€™m watching on Dailymotion.

Season 4 Episode 22 GIF by The Simpsons

A tour de France from Larry this week @Locke. Best episode of series so far.

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Mr & Mrs Smith on Prime is very watchable. Glover and Erskine are quite believable in the title roles. Glover, in particular, has more presence than Iā€™d have given him credit for previously

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Just how much weed are McConaughey and Harrelson smoking? Are they transitioning to a tarantino-type format?

Youā€™ve lost me there Iā€™m afraid?

In which bit?