Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 2)

Looks fun. Forte must like Ireland. Did that Extra Ordinary film here on relatively short notice.

Best show Iā€™ve seen in ages.

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I think the aul lad had no clue at the start but cottoned on before the suicide. It was brilliant acting from all sides.

It was a brilliant scene. Was calling Toranaga all sorts of a cunt over it

@cluaindiuic any thoughts on X-Men class of 97?

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Watch the Sympathizer

Should probably watching this at some stage.

I on last night in bed for 10 mins before herself threw wobbler to turn

Downey Jnr is one mad looking bastard right from the outset

Its on the list.

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Iā€™m half way through. It is decent but plot is a bit scattered.

Its decent, but scattered is a good description. Quickly dissuaded the the eldest from watching it though. I was never an X-Man fan but its interesting enough.

I loved the old series as a chap - probably because it was one of the few shows for a young audience which actually had a continual plot running through it which made it feel ahead of its time.

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Itā€™s class.

He plays multiple partsā€¦ The storyline is bonkers st times.

The general pattern with me watching anything theses days is watching it after everyone is in bed and falling asleep almost immediately.

Them killing off my favourite childhood character doesnā€™t really help either.

Iā€™m probably a few episodes behind at this stage

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Iā€™m on the same shift.

Iā€™ve only just started watching the new season of Fargo.

I love the way they bring old scenes from the movie into it.

But itā€™s bat-shit crazy so far.

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Ah itā€™s great. One of the best series

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A couple of years late but I finally watched ā€˜Severanceā€™. Very good stuff. Great finale.

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One of the greatest war scenes ever produced for TV is coming up on Sky Atlantic now :popcorn:

Battle of the bastards?