Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 2)

The Traitors, great craic! Little behind with this and didnā€™t see the first series. But very good. Charlotte has some rack on her

What a batshit finale :smile:

Fielder is the goat

Ah lads Tommy Tiernan :rofl::rofl:

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It wasnā€™t living up to my expectations for the first nine episodes the jokes were too few and far between but it was worth it as the finale was genius. Iā€™ve never seen anything like that on TV it had an expert slow build to something unbelievably funny, tense and entertaining. Thereā€™ll hardly be a season two? Without spoilering it for others Iā€™m not sure where it goes from here.

Great series imo, real return to form after a middling, for me anyway, series 4. Maybe i need to give the latter another go?

Weakest series so far? Shootout was ridiculous

A fantastic series

Avoid 4 like the plague imo. Iā€™d rank them so far:

  1. Season 2
  2. Season 5 (but a good finale will put it top)
  3. Season 1 (not a fan of Martin Freeman but Billy Bob was excellent)
  4. Season 3 (a real letdown)
  5. Season 4 (woeful shite that tanked any hopes Rock had of a serious acting renaissance)

Season 1 remains the best, followed by 2.
3 + 4 are meh, tho have good moments. 5 has been enjoyable.

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Yeah the shootout was stupid but as a whole I thought this was the best series yet.

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Good finale to Fargo. Very good series of it in fairness.

Ole Munch some character


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Are we gonna watch the new True Detective lads?

You are. And then youā€™ll tell us whether to bother

Theyā€™ve hurt me before.

Oh they wonā€™t be getting any of my time after that Vince Vaughn debacle. But a hi iMBB rating could change my mind

The last one was a vast improvement tbf. Iā€™ve already heard this new one is excellent and is shite. May not be any middle ground. Iā€™ll let an episode or two build up.

Iā€™ve heard both good and bad. Gonna dive in to episode one tonight

Itā€™s decentā€¦ A good start but weā€™ll remain sceptical.

Series 3 was trundling along just fine before collapsing in the final episode. I just donā€™t wanna be hurt again.

Nothing will go near season one. Read recently that harrelsons father, who was a hit man, was also a womanizer. And could possibly be Mcconaugheys father tooā€¦ (though you think they like the notoriety a DNA test would easily solve)

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ā€œThe anthology show takes to the fictional town of Ennis in Alaska for its new setting.

In this town there is an extended period without any sunlight, known as the Polar Night, where the sun doesnā€™t rise for months."

Sounds like the real Ennis

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