Twitter (Part 1)


I did get a shock when you started tweeting me for tips one day when TFK was down :smiley:

[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1101841, member: 1517”]Someone from TFK is reaching out to me on Twitter. :eek:

Is it time for a restraining order?[/QUOTE]

I did get a shock when you started tweeting me for tips one day when TFK was down :D[/QUOTE]

Scratch my earlier advice to delete your account. Just treat this approach exactly how @Mac treated you when you first sought him out on Twitter.
What’s the worst that could happen? Sure we’re all decent sorts on here.

[QUOTE=“fucked out, post: 1101966, member: 1495”]Scratch my earlier advice to delete your account. Just treat this approach exactly how @Mac treated you when you first sought him out on Twitter.
What’s the worst that could happen? Sure we’re all decent sorts on here.[/QUOTE]

A combination of @carryharry[/USER] and [USER=112]@Gman helped me avoid buying a car that was clocked and they assisted me in finding a savage deal. Dont be afraid to converse with strangers from the internet.

That’s fine until you meet a stabbie little fucking dwarf of an architect.

@Gman pretended to be an architect. He couldn’t carry it through though.

I should have left you take the tinker’s car and not given you a tip on where to get the car you got!

That’s like a line from the field.

A girl at work went to Dublin to buy a car last weekend off an online ad. She brought the car home to limerick and the dubs had it recovered and back to Dublin by 6am the following morning from her driveway. Cops say they kept a copy of the key.

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 1101865, member: 367”]@artfoley
would you care to comment on Mr. justice Tony Hunt’s remarks in court today about the implications for TFK members who are commenting irresponsibly on the case like @farmerinthecity[/USER] and [USER=1786]@TreatyStones , could they be called to task on this?
presume @Rocko will need to delete the thread

judge issues warning over tweets in trial

The judge presiding over the trial has warned members of the public not to tweet about matters said in court in the absence of the jury.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt said reporting restrictions applied while a trial was ongoing.

He said these restrictions were in place for a good reason.

The restrictions mean that any matters that take place in court while the jury is not present cannot be reported until a trial is over.

Mr Justice Hunt was dealing with material tweeted by a member of the public on Tuesday afternoon.

He said he accepted that these tweets had been published because the young man was unfamiliar with the rules.

But he said the next time it happened “someone was going to spend some time in jail for contempt”.

“They are the rules” he said and “that is going to be the outcome of it.”[/QUOTE]

bumped for @artfoley

Henry Martin at it again on Twitter
Clare behind by four. Time for Davy Fitz to spring Davy O Halloran

Really chuffed to find that my Twitter follower count has suddenly jumped from 101 to 107. I’ve been simultaneously followed by “Love Guide”, “Love Messages”, “Love Notes”, “Love Quotes”, “The Truht About Love” (sic) and “Being In Love”. Is @ChocolateMice bored and setting up fake Twitter accounts or is there a message in all this?

Limerick should wory about tj we are fine Henry

Ewan having a dig at Munster rogbee now, doing wonders for his bid to be an honorary tfk admin

I see Harry Redknapp has joined twitter. He must have been getting some computer lessons.

One time heir apparent to Nicky Butt, Ryan Tunnicliffe in a bit of hot water over an offensive tweet.

The tweet was along the lines of “Happy that Middlesbrough didn’t go up, just for the main fact that @Patrick_Bamford is a sausage boy.” :smiley:

If Bamford is indeed a shirtlifter, I’d imagine he will soon be declaring for Ireland, the new safehaven of European nufters.


Charlie sheen going hog wild at his ex denise richards. I have no idea how to upload it.

open letter to
Denise Richards
is a shake down
piece of shit doosh phace
worst mom alive!
a despicable charlatan who
sux ISIs
(and cock)
fuk it

I’m out

I have paid that
Klay-Vinnik leaky diaper
over 30 Mil
and she calls me
a DbD!

see u in
court you evil
terrorist sack of landfill rash

bitch couldn’t act
hot in a fire
wet in a pool

you should all
hear her acting lessons:
sounds like
dolphins sucking off

this gangster
Sheenius will be
really grandma?
I’m the

and now I’m

last note;
this lab rat
is from a retarded
shit hole named
“Downers Grove”

nothing further your Honor

hash tag
go fuk Sambora some more
“Dood thief”

that genius called
me 1000 times to ask
“how can I get the
ass funk to be less,

the only answer I had
to tell him to
“steep” that hedgehog
in bleach
twice a day

for a year
fukker whore

and hey Irv;

go fuk yourself pussy

I am the truth
you are my enemy

try me

I dubble dare ya
skinny boy face

Sir © of the Sheen
stand by

my cok


@maroonandwhite just copy the link to the tweet(s) and it/they should embed.

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