Racism Continued

Look, if you want to start your own website where you can shout your bullshit without getting challenged on it, or you aren’t happy with how this place is run. Fuck off and do it.

Or you can stay here and be stuck in your loop of calling posters Karen and then crying when they call you a racist.


I haven’t called anyone Karen.

You don’t get to tell anyone on here whether they can post or not, you sanctimonious wanker.

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Are you objecting to the cracker word as a racial slur?

Neither do you bud.

We could spend the day at this shit.




Granted, you’re posting history based on the two words I picked is almost impeccable.

Where and when did @gman ever make claims that he had never used slurs on here or that you would have to search long and hard to find any used by him on this site?

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Gman used racist and homophobic language in the past. The username @Gman needs to be cancelled. Are you an apologist for racism and homophobia?

Lads, it’s possible I may have posted some questionable things in my time

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the day is nearing when we’re going to have to load up the bus and ask @Fagan_ODowd to drive us all to Dunmore east for an ice cream and some sea air … Dream Team on tour…

Theres lads here 13 years… Of course everyone has said something they have now changed their views on… If you’re the same person you were 5 years ago nevermind 13 years ago then God help you…you need to open the curtains and throw out the wooden sock… Be mindful that when someone acts the cunt here it lands on @rocko’s door to clean it up…


as @Big_Dan_Campbell, I never claimed I had said nothing wrong on here. I thought the battle on here had changed to hypocrisy anyway and not racism?

with regards to those posts, I would apologise on the first one. I dont know the context of it but it is not language I would generally use and shouldnt have. I’d like to think I dont hold racist views nor judge an entire community over the actions of few.

The second one was something between myself and @mac when he was being sold a car that was after being cut in half until he did some digging into the retailers. Granted, shouldnt use the word.

The last was clearly taken out of context, choco made a homophobic slur against fran and I made a sarcastic response to him, hence the now missing smilie. It is anything but homophobic. But the word was still used, even though it now is being taken out of context as some sort of slight against me, just because I happen to hugely disagree with Labanes views on Colin Kaepernick and the manner in which he spoke about him.

I never claim to be whiter than white. I’m sure I’ve used incorrect language or a word on here, whether in jest or being discriminatory, but would like to think that I dont hold racist viewpoints, which is far more than using a word one off in over thousands of posts over 15 years.


at least your public profile is not hidden like some other users

Can we not all agree that all the racists, hypocrites, Karen’s, virtue signallers, homophobes and anti semites here are just all a bunch of cunts and move on

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Your some prick

Stop now please FFS.

I don’t think you’ve anything to answer for.

There are plenty on here who have used poor language, and while many may not believe themselves to be racist, there is certainly a theme of intolerance and ignorance at best for a few regular posters. But you don’t fall into that category.

Then there is a whole other category of obvious racists who hold racist views. And they’re the ones screaming loudest to deflect from their exposure and they’re also those who seem to have the biggest problem with TFK.

As I’ve said before, I pay to run this site. That means it’s representative of me to some abstract degree. And I make no apologies for being intolerant of racist opinions and racist language.

If that makes the place inhospitable for some then the door is wide open for exits. If people want to stay and debate without being racist then that’s great. If they want argue in favour of racism (with or without using racial slurs) then they’re not welcome. And if they want to stay just to moan about TFK then they’re not welcome either.


@Gman doesn’t have anything to answer for. As I explained, his posting history is pretty much impeccable based on a quick search this morning at least. (@Gman, sorry for putting you out in having to respond to my post.)

As for the site being “representative” you to “some abstract degree”, are you being serious? It is entirely representative of you. You facilitated another poster for years calling other posters pedophiles, rapists, etc., and it would have been justifiable for someone to attempt to hold you liable under the law for mental anguish caused. You have also openly supported the IRA murders, which I find abhorrent.

The more I think about this, the more I realise I have very little in common with you or this site.

Good luck in your endeavours to find a more accommodating home. Shall I close your account for you?


Good luck and thanks. You won’t be missed