Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding


Can you post up the 12 page Euro street food recipes special please


I’d imagine bootlegger was pro brexit

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How’s the pound doing today?

Dead cat bounce

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Paddy busy staring at sterling meanwhile the euro in his pocket is also disintegrating…


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Very racist

The ballsy guys anticipated this and bought Dollars, right @Mac ?

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Did he say “fuck business?”
Or “fuck Liz?”
Or “fuck the UK?”

Lizzy needs to get real serious real quick

I’d say they’ve the hotel rooms already booked in the Savoy.

That kind of talk seems a bit OTT at this stage

They’d be fooked. IMF lending is in SDR, the majority of which is USD. The Queen’s shilling sinking like a stone. They could hedge using swaps, if they can get the credit lines. Conversely they’d get a much better deal from the EU :smirk:

Is Soros pounding Sterling again?

Surely a meme opportunity with Charlie’s head on a 1million pound note.

Kwarteng’s ex boss Crispin Odey


Isn’t the pound still stronger than the dollar and the euro?