Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Stupid thing to say by the sound of it, but she at least deserves an independent hearing. Starmer is dead right to avoid the bear traps.

Starmer has already called her a racist. You wouldn’t even know he was black if you heard him talking on the radio was her comment. It was racist

Shows lack of balls letting it go to an independent committee. She should 100% be gone


Truss is currently doing a round of 5 minute BBC local radio interviews and they are not going well :rofl:

Kent sliced her up, Lancashire is right now pounding her.

If anyone fancies it, here’s the rest she will be doing


0838 TEES


0852 STOKE

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Can she do it on a wet Thursday morning in Stoke?


If Kent, Lancashire, Nottingham, Tees and Bristol are any indication, she absolutely cannot.

Who the fuck though this was a good idea? She is being skewered over and over again and she has fuck all in response. Local radio don’t fuck about.

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When is Alan Partridge up?

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Every local nobody trying to make himself a viral somebody.

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Bristol really turning the screw now. She’ll be too frazzled for Stoke.

We have @Lazarus glued to bbc from 6pm - 4am. @Piles_Hussain doing the morning shift… And an array of lads picking up the day shift.

The same crew were wall to wall Queen’s funeral for 10 days…

Pure sleiveens to a man. Sucking on john bulls cock like little lap dogs.

Why cant you just fawn over an EPL team like the rest of us and let that be it?


10 am over here pal, I’m working as I do ye cunts this service

Even her local local radio went in studs up. Epic entertainment if it weren’t potentially so bad for folk.

Car crash stuff. She won’t be let near a serious interview again.

Leeds went in hard on fracking

Lizzy does what she wants.
You couldn’t but enjoy the spectacle @Thomas_Brady

Leeds led off well

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Ah you know yourself kid… Any excuse to have a hop off my good pal @Lazarus . @Piles_Hussain just got caught in the crossfire.

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This is Leeds where Oxbridge educated Liz had a poor deprived childhood, failed by her upper middle class sink estate school and her destitute professor of mathematics father.

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