Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Hop away lad. You have my full support.

No bother lad, I take nothing you say seriously anyway.
All good internets fun.

I presume the last week has seen you put a tick in the pro column on your proposed move to Ireland :smiley:

Ive never said anything of worth on the internet in my life… You’d be mad to take me seriously.

I had another hop off herself about her decision last time. That was the end of the hopping off herself.


She’s fucked. Gone by Guy Fawkes

Jesus thats worse that I could have imagined.

Great to hear she slept well, before going in with two feet.

Sounds worse than Douglas.


All the talents :rofl:

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It’s a lovely bit of stroppiness she has too when asked anything reasonable.

Never thought I’d see the day when the thick of it morphed from satire into documentary…

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Have you a point to make ball bag?

Local consent, I’d say that sounded great in the meeting as to how they would fudge it. I’d say there were knowing smiles and back slaps all round.

“Local Consent” brilliant that is.
What does it even mean?
Fuck knows, we will worry about that later.

Like an episode of Yes Minister

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Instead of her getting beaten up badly once they’ve taken her on a series of mini beatings. Genius

Boris will be back by Christmas

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I hate these tweets

A Tory MP who has a wooden leg text me to say aaaaarrrrgggghhhh

High class journalism