Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

She’s so out of her depth it’s absurd.

It’s a bit rich coming out after the fact. It’s not like Boris or Truss hid the fact they were imbeciles?

Have we had the “Tory MP with a pint in each hand told them this”.

She’s the mirror image of Corbyn tho - him hard left, her hard right. The Parliamentary Party didn’t really want them to lead, but they spat out precisely the sort of nonsense that the card-carrying party membership lunatics wanted. Anyone who likes a political party enough to join it shouldn’t be anywhere within a 100km of a decision making role. Never survives meaningful contact with normal people.


Sure only one third of the MPs voted for her.

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All this craic is what you get when you have government not by the Tories but by the ERG. They are a group of personality alibi merchants, led by utter nutters. Steve Baker, King Nutter, thinks life and the planet do not matter, because he is a born again Christian.

Loathsome deranged individuals are now making key decisions via the vehicle of ambitious fools such as Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.

Entirely anticipatable.


You’ve used the wrong moniker there. He likes to be known as “Brexit hardman Steve Baker”


FAO @Fagan_ODowd
. We have officiall proof that ah is dead :champagne:

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How likely is it that we could see similar problems in the EU that they are seeing now in the UK. The Bank of England interest rate stands at 2.25% now. They didn’t raise rates resulting in the pound depreciating in value. Euro is at lowest its been against the dollar since the mid 1980’s. There will seemingly be another increase of .75% on 27th October with potential for same again in November. There could quite conceivably an ECB interest rate of 3% – 3.5% by the time we turn for the new year especially if energy crisis is to worse with crippling inflation as many analysts are now predicting. Given Irish banks tag another 2% onto the ECB lending rate as is their want this will have a huge impact on new housing projects, ability of home owners to finance their mortgage, inevitable mortgage arrears as they make existential decisions about heating their homes and eating. To put into context how the interest rate hikes could look: Take for example a house valued at €400K which you locked a fixed rate in . If interest rates were to rise in unison across the main mortgage providers to where they are indicating they could go it could mean that your monthly mortgage repayment will be equivalent of your old rate on a 600K house. ICS have already stole a march on the competition. Energy costs could really be in the hapenny place when it comes to mortgage repayments on an overinflated property market come Q1 next year. Of course they might elect not to pass on the cumulative of these hikes in total to customers but either way it is hard not to see a mortgage arrears crisis.

People stop paying mortgages and the banks in Ireland may have little comeback. It’ll be interesting to see how the govt plays mortgage arrears, or allows the banks to play them. It could end up further down the track with banks wanting more than a 2% mark up.
UK’s problem is it’s been run by idiots for years. If they were still in the EU but with their own currency, they’d be laughing.

The banks have been strict enough on lending ratios last few years blaming capital requirements. I suspect it’s because they know they can’t enforce.

Interest rate rises will pull money out of economy is the theory and dampen inflation. Not sure that logic holds when inflationary pressures are supply rather than demand side.

I’d say it’s going to be a rocky few years ahead for people.

Dance while the music plays. The 20th century had a great last 50 years. We were lucky. Our kids may not be so lucky.

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Credit card companies are seeing utilities bills on them already and it’s only September.

Banks pulling mortgage offers left right and centre I am hearing… House sales falling through already.

I am three months trying to get a fucking switch over the line in anticaption of rates rising. I have the letter of offer now but there’s another ten hoops to jump through. If they raise rates how far along will I need to be that they will stand over the rate do you know?

You’re fucked pal just burn the house at this stage

I can only imagine the paperwork then.


You’ll just have to try again when Sir Keir gets in. Shouldn’t take too long

What are they looking for past letter of offer stage? Up to date valuation? I would have thought its plain sailing after that. I think there is s lot of stress testing going on at the min.

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