Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

The quatro is motoring well

Very hard to see her last beyond tomorrow. She’s been a paper PM since Kwarteng’s u-turn on the Monday morning two weeks ago. The wheels are clearly in motion now. When Gary Gibbon on Channel 4 News was a child aspiring to be a political journalist, he must have dreamed of being in the sort of position he found himself tonight, standing in the lobby of the Houses of Parliament with a premiership collapsing in the sort of shambolic manner you’d see on that “Crap 90s Football” Twitter account.

The theatre of British politics is not remotely paralleled anywhere in the world. It’s magnificent.

The Tories now are like Fianna Fail in that period between the bailout and the 2011 General Election, actually scratch that, they make Fianna Fail in that time frame look like the very model of competence.

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It’s like a night in Copper Face Jacks after an All-Ireland hurling semi-final with shouldering competitions going on all over the place as Maniac 2000 is played.

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I’m not sure about. Having Batt O’Keeffe as the brains of the operation will take some beating.




Is this the first time a PM has abstained in a confidence motion in themselves?

The sudden and conspicuous morphing of self styled raaaarr alpha male Brexit hardman Steve Brexit into the persona of somebody who helps old ladies across the road is fascinating.

It was the c word.



Paddy Bogtrotter is glued to this

Cc @Thomas_Brady


Eight hundred years. A few lads with sticks….


There’ll be lads in London getting the red eye to work in Intel and IBM in Leixlip Mon to Fri


The insecure lads have always been consumed with tan politics and the royal family.

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There’ll be lads in london flying over for the first round of the championship next year selling the hats, flags and head bands

The Exiles face the might of Sligo in the opening round of next year’s championship. Home venue as well - McGovern Park, Ruislip.
If it’s not turned into tented accommodation prior to the match that is.


I got out for a grand walk during the gap in the rain thanks be to god.

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Nah, this is just great entertainment. Apparently, Suella sent confidential govt information to one of her supporters, but clicked the wrong name by accident :joy::joy:

Quite the list to discipline including the PM. Shambles

I see the misogynists are up and about early this morning

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Imagine Jack Chambers trying to wrestle Michael McGrath into the voting lobby

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