Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Tony Blair should be in jail, mate. I genuinely believe that.

Only 4 or 5 million civilians killed there in Iraq. No WMD’s found. No justification whatsoever.

Horrific war crime.

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100% have anyone thats come after him even been a footnote. War crimes aside, the person in 10 has been a joke

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Its one of those - I thought he seemed to do well with the various parties on the Good Friday agreement. I remember being in mass on that Good Friday. But I had being watching the news at 12 years of age. It was great. There was a real since of achievement between himself and SF, the UUP, Bertie Ahern etc

He signed off an illegal war after that then. I found that hard to reconcile to be honest.

Unforgivable, they lied and we know they lied. 20 years on and the effects are still being felt, look at iran de facto joining Russia, saudis cutting oil production to bump up prices.

But my point is british politics has become a comedy show where its a game to those involved and they dont even pretend to serve the people. At least before they pretended that their policies and actions were for the people or nation

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Its been all regime change since. Vile carry on still.

Odd take from ex political scribe for the Paper of record

I think Rishi will do a good job.

Its good to see a bit of nuance on show. Even after the event.

“It was wrong to scare people”


Thats a dinger


Chris Hohn, who I mentioned here before, is the hedgie that rishi worked for. Hes steadily giving all his money away. 6 billion and counting afaik.

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Not an odd take. It’s exactly right. The only odd thing is why rishi wants to be pm.
Other questions would be why he only stuck working for his father in law for a year, and why on earth he voted for brexit. It’ll be funny if he signs a trade deal with India replacing European liquid movement with entrenched immigration from India. The piss smellers won’t like that at all at all.

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Is he the lad who thinks Brexit stinks and they should rejoin the EU immediately?

No that’s Chris Hands

Casual racism there.


The Mogg is gone


I merely transferred it from the celebrities you’ve never heard of thread where another poster had logged it. Pop over there if you wish and take it up with him.

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Enabling now I see tut tut

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Calm down granpa


The square heads are circling…….:wink:

I wouldn’t have picked up on that only for I sat some ethics and inclusion training this morning. It’s fairly stark alright.

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